[Solved] program that will merge the contents of the text files located in the given folder


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Create program that will merge the contents of the text files located in the given folder. The program will generate a merge-list.txt text file as an output and to be placed inside the folder MERGE that will be generated inside the given folder.

The input text files contain a list of citizen information. Each line contains the firstname, middlename, lastname, and birtdate of the citizen and separated by | character.

The output file will contain the list of citizen in grouped in 3 categories: Juvenile Citizen (age 18 below), Legal Age Citizen (age 18 to 59), Senior Citizen (age 60 and above) and the citizen names are arrange in alphabetical order. This is the format of the output file:

FOLDER NAME: CitizenList









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[Solved] program that will merge the contents of the text files located in the given folder