Practical Final Exercise part 1
Your task is to write a program that will store GPS data based on location of the reading. To complete this task, we will use a custom data model and implement the Observer and Adapter design patterns. Refer to the included driver for questions on class and method names used.
- Custom Data Model
- Create a data interface that will define only getters for Location(String), Time(Calendar), Longitude(double), Latitude(double), Altitude(double), and Speed(double).
Location will be based on Zip Code which may have a dash, so use String for this.
(1 interface-GPSDataInterface)
- Create a class that will store this data interface in a Map with the location as the key and a sorted set of the data interface as the value.
* Constructor will take a Comparator parameter
* get the most recent data object based on the location as a parameter-getCurrentGPS
* add data object with the data interface as a parameter-add
(1 class-GPSDataManager)
- For sorting, create a comparator class that implements the Comparator Interface and base the comparison on time. This will be used when creating the sorted set.
(1 class-CalendarComparator)
- Adapter Pattern
A data class from a customer will be used that contains Location(int), Time(Date), Longitude(double), Altitude(double), and Velocity(double) (note the different name,
data type, and missing elements).
- Code a Data Class that will represent this data with appropriate constructor for setting the data and getters for the data.
(1 class-ExternalGPSData)
- Code an adapter class that will translate the data from the external data object to your data interface. Return 0 for any missing data elements and convert data as
(1 class-ExternalGPSDataAdapter)
The following instructions above this sentence is supposed to be for the file
The following instructions below this sentence is for the file
Practical Final Exercise Part 2
Your task is to write a program that will store GPS data based on location of the reading. To complete this task, we will use a custom data model and implement the Observer and Adapter design patterns. Refer to the included driver for questions on class and method names used.
- Observer Pattern
- Create custom listener interface for added data only with the method: gpsDataModified.
(1 interface-GPSDataListenerInterface)
- Create a custom Event class to be used for the added. The added data event will push the added data object out with the method: getData.
(1 class-GPSDataEvent)
Incorporate this into the custom data manager and fire events for the add and remove methods.
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