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Construct a deterministic one way infinite single tape Turing machine that accepts { 0n(01)m1k | n, m, k ≥ 0, n > m, m > k }. This is the type of Turing machine that is specified in our original definition of a Turing machine in class.

You may not make use of the fact that JFLAP has blank spaces to the left of the input. And you may not use blocks or the stay directive (each transition must read a single symbol, write a single symbol, and move the read/write head left or right) for this Turing machine. And finally, do not use JFLAP version 8.

Since JFLAP does not have a reject state, you can either have a state that you transition to that has no transitions leaving it or you can simply leave off transitions that can never result in your Turing machine to accept the string, which will cause your Turing machine to reject the input.

I haven’t finished testing my implelemtation of this Turing machine yet, but my current version has 22 states and appears to be accepting and rejecting the correct strings.


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