In this workshop, you design and code a couple of class templates and test them on different instantiations.## *In-Lab*
This workshop consists of three modules: `w3` (supplied) `List` `LVPair`
Enclose all your source code within the `sdds` namespace and include the necessary guards in each header file.
### `w3` Module (supplied)
**Do not modify this module!** Look at the code and make sure you understand it.
### `List` Module
This module defines a class template for a collection of elements of any data type (for example, a list of `int`, or a list `Student`, etc.)
Design and code a class template named `List` for managing a statically allocated array of any datatype. The template parameters in order of their specification are:
`T`: the type of any element in the array `N`: the maximum number of elements in the array (an integer without sign)
Your design should be able to distinguish between the capacity of the array (`N`) the number of elements added to the list. Initially the list is empty.
***Public Members*** `size_t size() const`: returns the number of elements in the list `const T& operator[](size_t i) const`: returns the element at index `i` (assume the parameter is valid). `void operator+=(const T& tt)`: if the list didnt reach the capacity, add a copy of the parameter to the array. Otherwise, do nothing.
### `LVPair` Module
Design and code a class template named `LVPair` for managing a *label-value* pair. The template parameters identify the types of the label and value objects that constitute an `LVPair` object: `L`: the type of the label `V`: the type of the value
***Public Members*** `LVPair()`: sets the object in an empty state `LVPair(const L& aa, const V& bb)`: copies the values received in the parameters into the instance variables. `const L& key() const`: returns the **key** component of the pair `const V& value() const`: returns the **value** component of the pair `void display(std::ostream& os) const`: inserts into the parameter the stored values in the following format`LABEL : VALUE<endl>`
***Free Helpers*** `std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const sdds::LVPair<L, V>& pair)`: calls the function `LVPair<L, V>::display()` to insert a pair into the stream.
### Sample Output
When the program is started with the command (the file `sales.txt` is provided):`w3.exe sales.txt`the output should look like:`Command Line:1: w3.exe2: sales.txt
Detail Ticket SalesStudent : 25Adult : 13Student : 12Adult : 6Student : 5Adult : 15`
## *At-Home*
The *at-home* part of this workshop upgrades your *in-lab* solution to include alignment of the label and value output in pretty columnar format accumulation of the values stored in a `List`, for a specified label
To implement each upgrade, you will derive a templated class from your original templated class (one derived class from `List` and one derived class from `LVPair`) and specialize the class derived from `LVPair` as described below.
### `LVPair` Module
The `LVPair` module must be upgraded to include both summation and label alignment functionality.
Modify the function `display()` in the class `LVPair` to enable polymorphism on it (make it `virtual`). This is the only change that you need to make to your original template.
Add to this module a class template named `SummableLVPair` to manage the summation and pretty displaying of labeled values.
This class is derived from `LVPair<L, V>`, and receives 2 template parameters: `L`: the type of the label `V`: the type of the value
***Static Private Members for `SummableLVPair`*** an object of type `V` that holds the initial value for starting a summation. The initial value depends on the type of the value in the label-value pair and will be defined separately. a variable of type `size_t` that holds the minimum field width for pretty columnar output of label-value pairs (initialize it with 0). This is the minimum number of characters needed to display any of the labels in a set of labels.
This value must be updated every time a new pair is added to the collection.
***Static Public Members for `SummableLVPair`***
`static const V& getInitialValue()`: return the initital value stored.
***Public Members for `SummableLVPair`***
default constructor
`SummableLVPair(const L& lbl, const V& val)`: stores the pair in the collection, and updates the field width if necessary.This functions assumes that the type `L` supports a function named `size()` that returns the number of characters required to display `lbl`.
`V sum(const L& lbl, const V& val) const`: If the label of the pair stored in the current instance is `lbl`, then add the value of the pair and `val` together and return the result. Use `+` for addition. Otherwise, return `val`.
`void display(std::ostream& os) const`: set the alignment to left and the field width and then call `display()` from the parent class. At the end, restore the alignment to right.
for `SummableLVPair<std::string, std::string>`, the initial value for summation should be set to empty string (“).
for `SummableLVPair<std::string, int>`, the initial value for summation should be set to 0.
for `SummableLVPair<std::string, std::string>`, the function `sum()` should concatenate the values stored using `, ` as separator (use operator `+` to concatenate strings).
### `List` Module
The template class `List` doesnt need any change.
Add to this module another **template** class called `LVList`, that can manage a collection of *summable* elements.
This class is derived from `List<T, N>`, and receives 4 template parameters: `L`: the type of a label `V`: the type summation value `T`: the type of any element in the collection `N`: the maximum number of elements in the collection (an integer without sign)
In this design, `summable` elements are objects of a type that supports the operation `V sum(const L& l, const V& v)`.
***Public Members for `LVList`*** `V accumulate(const L& label) const`: this function accumulates all the values stored in the list that have the label `label` into a local object of type `V`.
get the initial value from the type `T` and store it into a local variable of type `V`: this is the accumulator.In this design, the type `T` must have a static member called `getInitialValue()`.
iterate over the collection and call the function `sum()` for each item (use the overloaded `operator[]` to access the item at index `i`). Store the result of `sum()` into the accumulator.
return the accumulator to the client.
Once the implementation of this module is complete, if you attempt to instantiate the class `LVList` using a type `T` that doesnt support the `sum()` and `getInitialValue()` operations, you will receive compilation errors **for that specific instantiation**.
### Sample Output
When the program is started with the command:`w3.exe products.txt sales.txt`the output should look like:`Command Line:1: w3.exe2: products.txt3: sales.txt
Individual Index EntriesGrocerries : tomatoesElectronics : computerTools : hammerGrocerries : lettuceGrocerries : potatoesElectronics : Multimedia_PlayerElectronics : HDDGrocerries : meatTools : jigsaw
Collated Index EntriesTools: hammer, jigsawGrocerries: tomatoes, lettuce, potatoes, meatElectrnics:Electronics: computer, Multimedia_Player, HDD
Detail Ticket SalesStudent : 25Adult : 13Student : 12Adult : 6Student : 5Adult : 15
Summary of Ticket SalesStudent Tickets = 86.10Adult Tickets = 110.50`
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