[Solved] Numerical Analysis -Programming Assigment #3 Interpolation and differentiation


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  1. Interpolation code.

(a) Implement Newtons interpolation formula.

First, implement a function construct the coefficients (divided differences) required for evaluating the Newton form of the interpolation polynomial, that is f[x0,,xk] for 0 k n. This function should have the signature divdiff(x,y) and return the output [c] where

x Given sampling points. y Given function values. c The coefficients for the Newton interpolation polynomial

Now implement a function which evaluates Newtons interpolation polynomial at a new set of points xnew. Your function should have the signature interpnewt(c,x,xnew) and return the output [ynew] where c Interpolation coefficients computed by divdiff. x The same x from divdiff, i.e, sampling points for the polynomial construction. xnew New points to evaluate the interpolating polynomial on.

ynew Values of the interpolating polynomial at xnew.

Important: The variables c,x,y,xnew and ynew, should all be numpy arrays (ndarray) with dimensions 1 (number of points/coefficients).

Important: Also, note that the returned value from divdiff is [c] and not c itself, that is, you should put the array c inside a list (which contains the single member c) and then let divdiff output it. On the other hand, interpnewt(c,x,xnew) receives c as an input and NOT [c]. Please follow these instructions EXACTLY as they are. After you use divdiff, to use c with interpnewt(c,x,xnew) you can simply unpack c from [c] by using the * operator. Heres an example to illustrate the use of *:

def example(x): return x a=[[1,2]] example(a)

Out: [[1, 2]]


Out: [1, 2]

Similarly, the returned value of interpnewt is [ynew] and NOT ynew.

Note: You can use Horners rule (google it) to make running time of the function linear in the degree of the interpolation polynomial.

  1. Given the functions

cos5x, x [0,2] ex, x [0,10], .

  • For each function ESTIMATE the maximal interpolation error numerically, and plotthe error (on a logarithmic scale) as a function of the number of points n for equallyspaced points and Chebyshev points. Explain how you computed the estimates. Choose different values of n so that you get an informative graph. Add the plots to the PDF.
  • For the first 2 functions, estimate a bound on the error with Chebyshev points fromthe graph as a function of n. Compare the error with the analytical bounds derived in class. Write your analysis in the PDF.
  1. Edge Detection in images the Sobel operator

Download the image acrop512.png from the moodle. Load the image into an numpy ndarray M in the same way you did with the mandril.png from assignment No. 2. Now, theoretically for each pixel in the image, we wish to calculate the central difference in the x direction and save it into a numpy ndarray Dx. In practice, instead of the central difference in the pixel (i,j) we will calculate

Dx(i,j) = 1 M(i 1,j 1) 1 M(i 1,j + 1)+ (1)

2 M(i,j 1) 2 M(i,j + 1)

1 M(i + 1,j 1) 1 M(i + 1,j + 1)

Note, that this is not possible for pixels on the margins of the image ,i.e, of the form [0,j],[511,j],[i,0] and [i,511], so do not compute the central difference there, that is, Dx(i,j) should be of size 510510. Do the same for the y direction and save it into a numpy ndarray

Dy. Now create a numpy ndarray G(i,j) = pDx2 + Dy2, normalize it between 0 and 1 (by dividing all the arrays values by the maximal absolute value of the matrix), and use the imshow and imsave functions of matplotlib library to display and save it.

  • Add the resulting image to your PDF.
  • Explain why the resulting image G is a visualization of the original images gradient norm.
  • What do we see in the image? Give a mathematical explanation to what we see.
  1. Differentiate the functions cosx, ex, and x at x = 0.1, 1.0, and 30, using single-precision forward-difference and central-difference
    • For each function and point write to the PDF the derivative and its error E(h) as a function of h. Use the values h = 101,102,,1016.
    • Plot log10 |E(h)| versus log10 h, and check whether the number of decimal places obtained agrees with the estimates from class. Add the plots to the PDF.
    • See if you can identify truncation errors at large h and the roundoff error at small h in your plot. Explain how this is seen in the graph. Do the slopes agree with the predictions from class?
    • Repeat your analysis in double precision and compare to the single precision results.


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[Solved] Numerical Analysis -Programming Assigment #3 Interpolation and differentiation