[Solved] Numerical Analysis Homework #7


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  • To get full credit, you must write down sufficient intermediate steps, only giving the final answer earns you no credit!
  • Please make sure that your handwriting is recognizable, otherwise you only get partial credit for the recognizable part.
  1. If the bisection method is used in single preci-sion FPNs of IEEE 754 starting with the interval [128,129], can we compute the root with absolute accuracy < 106? Why?
  2. What are the condition numbers of the followingfunctions? Where are they large?
    • (x 1),
    • lnx,
    • ex,
    • arccosx.
  • The last Exercise in Section 1.3.5 in the notes.
  1. Consider the function f(x) = 1 ex for x [0,1].
    • Show that condf(x) 1 for x [0,1].
    • Let A be the algorithm that evaluates f(x) for the machine number x F. Assume that the exponential function is computed with relative error within machine roundoff. Estimate condA(x) for x [0,1].
    • Use C++ to plot condf(x) and condA(x) as a function of x on [0,1]. Discuss your results.
  2. The math problem of root finding for a polynomial

can be considered as a vector function f : Rn C: r = f(a0,a1,,an1).

Derive the componentwise condition number of f based on the 1-norm. For the Wilkinson example, compute your condition number, and compare your result with that in the Wilkinson Example. What does the comparison tell you?

The above eight questions weigh 5, 8, 5, 12, 10 points, respectively, totaling 40 points.


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[Solved] Numerical Analysis Homework #7