(Adaline, Back Propagation and Transfer Learning)
All data Is two dimensional , <x,y> where -1 <= x, y <= 1. The data is all data points <x, y> where x is of the form m/100 where m is an integer between -100 and +100 and y is of the form n/100 with n an integer between -100 and +100. Suppose that all data points with x > 1/2 and y >1/2 have the value 1; all other points have the value -1.
Now suppose you do not know this; but you are given a random sample of data of size 1000 together with its value (e.g. the point <60/100, 80/100> has value 1; while the point <20/100, 70/100> has the value -1.
Part A. Implement the Adaline learning algorithm and show how it generalizes to develop a decision that works on all the set. Does the accuracy of the result depend on the training set? Present tables and possibly a picture indicating your results.
Suppose the data is of the size n/10,000 with n an integer between -10,000 and +10,000. How does this affect your choice of training data and testing data?
Part B: Now change the problem so that points such that <x.y> has value 1 only if
1/2 <= x**2 + y**2 <= 3/4
What are the best results you obtain using an Adaline? Does the quality of the results change if you use more data? Present tables and perhaps a figure.
Part C: Now try the same with a back-propagation algorithm instead of the adaline.
You will have to define the architecture (i.e number of neurons and number of levels) You may either implement the algorithm or use a package. BUT YOU WILL NEED TO LOOK INSIDE the results of each neuron separately for Part D
Show a geometric diagram in terms of the inputs of the training set for the output of each neuron separately in the neural network as well as for the output neuron. Present tables of results both for training and testing.
Part D: Now use the trained neurons from the next to last level of Part 3 as input and only an Adaline for the output. (That is, you will give the adaline the output of the neurons from Part 3 in the level below the output, and train only the Adaline.)
Describe how accurate the Adaline can be. Give diagrams.
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