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Aim: this coursework is designed to give you the experience of applying organisational development (OD) frameworks, tools, and research in an applied business context and to demonstrate that you have met the module learning outcomes.

Assignment Description: An investigation into the organisational development (OD) approach with reference to the TradeCo. case study.

Assessment Method: Individual coursework in the form. of a written report.

Assessment Weighting: This coursework counts for 100% of the assessment in this module.

Submission deadline: 13th January 2025.

Submission method: Blackboard.

Word limit: 3,000 words maximum. The Executive summary, References and Appendices (such as analytical models taught on the module) do not count towards the word count. However, DO NOT use figures to replace text. Ensure your analysis is clearly described in the main body of your report.

How the Formative Assessment Supports the Summative: The formative assessment provides an opportunity for you to familiarise yourself with the TradeCo case study and practice identifying the drivers of OD and OD mindset taken in the case study.


Sam Stern, the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of TradeCo has commissioned you to investigate why the Apex organisation development (OD) programme was not successful and make recommendations going forward.

Your task is to analyse and evaluate the TradeCo case study using your knowledge of the practices and principles of Organisation Development taught on the module. You will be expected to critique the way OD was conducted at TradeCo. You are required to present your analysis of the case study and recommendations in a written report. You are required to apply the tools, frameworks and models taught and practiced on the module in your analysis and present this in the report.

Guidance for completion of the report is set out in the sections below. Further detailed guidance will be provided in lecture and workshop 7 (Assessment Support). You will need to familiarise yourself with the case study, TradeCo.

The Format and Structure of your Report

The assignment should be presented in a written report format. You should use numbered headings and sub-headings as appropriate and ensure there is a clear structure to your work. Also, include a separate title page and references page. Ensure any figures (such as completed templates showing your analysis and using the practical tools from the module) are clearly labelled in an Appendices section and referred to in the report.

Your report should contain the following sections:

1. Title page

2. Executive summary

3. Analysis of the drivers for OD at TradeCo.

4. Identification of the main mindset taken in the Apex OD programme in the case study (dialogic, diagnostic, or blended)

5. Analysis of how the Apex OD programme was undertaken with respect to why it failed.

6. Management recommendations to address the OD issues at TradeCo now (i.e., actionable interventions that TradeCo can implement based on your analysis)

7. Personal reflection

8. References


Your report will be assessed according to the following criteria: –

Assessment Criteria

To achieve good marks…

Evidence of learning outcomes (20%)

Task is fully addressed with learning outcomes met to a high standard.

Argument, understanding and analysis (30%)

Arguments, understanding, and analysis show understanding of and application of the course materials.


Application of practical analytical tools (20%)

Relevant analytical frameworks and analytical tools are identified and applied appropriately.

Sources and evidence (10%)

Arguments and analysis well supported by breadth and depth of academic and practice literature.

Academic referencing (10%)

Correct citation of sources throughout the report (including page numbers after quotations). Consistent, error-free, Harvard referencing at the end of the report

Presentation and communication (10%)

Clear, logical structure of the report that is communicated effectively

You should familiarise yourself with: –

The Marking Rubric for the coursework. This can be found in the Module Assessment Overview section of Blackboard. The rubric provides details of the standards required of the award of marks against each of the Assessment Criteria.

The UEA Senate Scales Undergraduate – Coursework. These scales provide general guidance on academic standards required of the award of marks for this coursework.


The following table sets out guidance for completing the section of your report, the most relevant lecture and relevant learning outcomes.

Please note that the table is for guidance only. Detailed guidance on how to gain good marks will be provided in lecture and workshop 7 (Assessment guidance and support)

Section of Report

Description and details of the task

Teaching sessions & Learning Outcome(s)

1. Executive Summary


The Executive Summary is widely used in business and provide an ‘at a glance’ overview for business leaders. It should briefly summarise your analysis and recommendations.

· Briefly set the scene, including introducing the topic of the report, why it is important, and how the report is organised.

· Briefly summarise your findings and recommendations

-Assessment support & guidance (7)


2. Analysis of the drivers for Organisation Development in TradeCo


· Identify and explain the external and internal context of TradeCo (i.e., the drivers for OD up to the present time) and the implications for OD at TradeCo at the present time.

-Introduction (1)

-Why develop? (2)


3. Analysis of whether TradeCo adopted a diagnostic, dialogic or blended approach

· Identify and explain the main OD mindset taken in the Apex OD programme by applying your understanding of diagnostic and dialogic OD.

· Identify and critically evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of this approach in the case study.

· Support your analysis with reference to relevant literature.

-Why develop? (2)

-Appreciative Inquiry (3)

-Diagnostic & dialogic mindsets (4)

-Processes of OD (5)




4. Analysis of how organisation development was undertaken at TradeCo


· Analyse and critically evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the Apex OD programme:

– How TradeCo gained an understanding of the challenges and issues.

– The interventions TradeCo put in place.

– TradeCo’s evaluation approach.

– Use relevant tools and techniques taught on the module in your analysis and incorporate both dialogic and diagnostic OD

· Support your analysis with reference to relevant literature and the application of relevant tools taught on the module.

Understanding issues (6)

-Designing Interventions (8&9)

-Evaluation (10)




5. Management Recommendations



· Using your analysis in the preceding section, make recommendations for how TradeCo could improve its OD programme, applying both dialogic and diagnostic mindsets:

– Your understanding of the challenges and issues at TradeCo.

– Actionable interventions to address the issues at TradeCo.

– How to evaluate your recommendations and interventions.

· Support your analysis with reference to relevant literature and the application of relevant tools taught on the module.

-As above

-Insights online lectures and independent research




6. Personal reflection


Reflect on what you have learned from the module and case study analysis, in terms of knowledge, skills and attitudes. What areas of practitioner skills could you look to develop further and how will you take this learning into your first job?



Key to the Learning Outcomes (see Module Outline)

LO1: Understand the principles of OD and identify when they might be applicable

LO2: Understand the diagnostic and dialogic approaches to OD, identify the advantages of each, how they may be complementary.

LO3: Explain the processes of OD when applying dialogic and diagnostic approaches

LO4: Apply and critically evaluate frameworks and tools to understand issues and opportunities for development

LO5: Analyse organisational cases in order to identify a range of recommendations for interventions for improvement, using relevant frameworks

LO6: Apply relevant principles and frameworks to evaluate the effectiveness of OD.

 ‘How much should I write’?

Note: this is rough guidance only and assumes 500 words per page.

· The executive summary should be no longer than 0.5 page. This does not count in the word limit

· Analysis of the drivers of OD and main OD mindset in the case study – about 1 page (500 words).

· Analysis of the Apex OD programme – about 2.5 pages (1250 words).

· Management recommendations – about 2 pages (1000 words)

· Personal reflection about 0.5 page (250 words).


To assist students in preparing the coursework, the following support is provided during the module.

· Formative assessment – you are provided with the opportunity to practice tasks and skills fundamental to success in the coursework

· Coursework lectures (lecture 7 & workshop 7) – there is an interactive lecture and workshop with examples and activities to increase understanding of the coursework tasks; and how to maximise marks.

· Workshops – the workshops provide interactive tasks to build skills for the coursework

· Blackboard Discussion Forum – you can post queries about the coursework for reply by the module organiser and read responses to other student’s questions.

· Drop-in Q&A sessions – week commencing 9th December, there are drop-in sessions for assessment support.


If reassessment is required, you will be notified by the UG LTS Hub. A similar assignment, using different case study will be set.





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