MU1629a Final Project: Exploring Compositional Craft
due December 11*.
As we near the completion of your Introduction to Composition course, you will demonstrate the tools and devices you have learned as part of your studies. As part of this final assignment, you will compose a 2-3 minute composition for 3-5 instruments of your choice relying on techniques introduced to you through observation and study of the relevant repertoire (50% of the final grade). You are expected to utilize some of the concepts discussed in the materials, including but not limited to
Þ Pitches
Þ Intervals
Þ Scales
Þ Chords: triads, seventh chords, chord construction
Þ Rhythms
Þ Counterpoint
Þ Harmony: neo-Riemannian transformations, tonal relationships, dissonance, neotonality
Þ Compositional Techniques: fragmentation, liquidation, convolution, repurpose, juxtaposition, repetition, expansion, cadence.
Þ Minimalism
Þ Form. ABA, AB, throughcomposed, theme and variations, contrasts.
Þ Graphic notation
Þ Extended techniques
The assignment will comprise of several stages that will consist of different deadlines. You must meet all requirements and deadlines for the chance to receive full marks.
*Assignment Stages and Deadlines
1. Idea & Sketch individual discussion: During the week of November 18th, you will meet with the instructor for 10-minute online Zoom lessons to discuss and assess your musical sketches, instrumentation and plan. You must email a pdf file to the instructor by 12PM noon on November 18th of the opening of your piece or ideas of your composition and be sure of your instrumentation, length and scope.
2. Composition Readings & Recordings (20%): You will find your own performers to present your finished compositions during 15-minute sessions on November 25&27, December 2&4 in Studio 242. The time will be assigned for the performers but the students of the class must be present for the entirety of each session, as observation of this process is an integral part of the learning process. It is your responsibility to ensure the performers are there for the assigned time. If your piece cannot be performed, you will lose 20% of your final grade. You must have (2) legible physical scores for the instructor and one set of parts for the musicians.
3. Final Score Submission (30%): by 12PM noon on December 11th, you must electronically (PDF format only) submit a publisher-ready and corrected score, a set of parts and a 1-page verbal description of how the work relates to the course material. No late submissions accepted.
You will be graded on your Coherency (25%), Preparedness for the readings (25%), Notation (25%) and Relevance to class syllabus (25%).
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