[Solved] MTRN4230 Project-Robot-Arm-Alphabetic-Block-Arrangement


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major-projectOverall template repository for all major project code and descriptions for MTRN4230 at UNSW

Group / Company name: Moms Friendly Robot Company

The major project for MTRN4230 is a chance to simulate and implement an industrial robot system. Working in groups, define an application of your choosing that includes at least one robot manipulator and a vision system. Implement this in simulation and include a demonstration using the real UR5e (with a [ePick vacuum gripper](https://www.universal-robots.com/plus/urplus-components/handling-grippers/epick/) installed) and camera system. Feel free to bring or make your own props. Examples of tasks previous teams have completed: Sorting and loading chocolates into boxes Playing Qwirkle Building Jenga towers (the vacuum gripper on the new robots is unfortunately too large to do this) Playing Chinese chess (Xiangchi) Assembling components of a bull-bar Personalised engraving / printing of logos on 3D surfaces

How you divide the responsibility for subtasks amongst your group members is at your discretion, having one person responsible for project management is encouraged.

## MP-I1 (5%): Management reportDue 5pm Friday 18 June 2021 (Week 3)In MP-I1, each group will create a company and define the organisational structure of that company, and then create a Project Management Plan (PMP) for the major project. Individually you will then reflect on a selection of the PMP. Your demonstrator will act as the Project Sponsor and give you formative feedback on the PMP.

## MP-G2 (10%): Requirements documentDue at the start of your lab class in Week 5 (29 June 2 July)In MP-G2, you will generate the requirements and specifications for the system, including use cases and assessment criteria and present a Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) and detailed schedule to your demonstrator for assessment. Your demonstrator will act as the Project Sponsor and either approve your requirements and specifications or request changes.

## MP-I3 (15%): Progress demonstrationDue during Week 8 lab class (20 July 23 July)In MP-I3, you will demonstrate performance towards the project goals and reflect on these. You will have opportunity to present a variation request to the Project Sponsor if you wish to change your requirements or specifications.

During the final exam period, you will complete a final system demonstration at a mutually convenient time agreed with your demonstrator. This will be completed within a 3 hour timeslot, nominally your lab class time in week 12 or 13. This demonstration will be marked with both individual and group components. If your groups components do not integrate well or fail on the day (it happens!), you should have prepared evidence to show your individual contributions against the assessment criteria you defined in MP-G2. In particular, extensive use of simulation for verification and validation is expected.

## MP-I4 (25%): Final system component demonstrationDue during Week 12 or 13 (timeslots to be confirmed with each group)In MP-I4, you will demonstrate your contributions to the system against the assessment criteria you defined in MP-G2 and write a reflection on the groups performance.

## MP-G5 (20%): Final system demonstrationDue during Week 12 or 13 (timeslots to be confirmed with each group)In MP-G5, you will present your solution to the Project Sponsor, demonstrate the overall system performance, report on your validation and verification test results.

## Learning outcomes1. LO1: Learn a robot environment and put it to use effectively and efficiently on a given task2. LO2: Understand robot mechanics and use this knowledge to calculate robot performance3. LO3: Implement good safety practices in the use of robots4. LO4: Apply and evaluate image processing techniques in robotics5. LO5: Apply engineering management and technical tools fluently and systematically


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[Solved] MTRN4230 Project-Robot-Arm-Alphabetic-Block-Arrangement