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[SOLVED] Module 8 Final Paper Health Intervention


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Module 8

Final Paper: Health Intervention


The final paper culminates the reading assignments, lectures, and application activities. It will allow you to apply the concepts, facts, and information you learned throughout the course.

As described in the instructions below, you will develop an intervention to address social determinants of health in ONE marginalized community of interest. The proposed intervention should address levels of the socio-ecological model. You should refer to the application exercise worksheets in previous modules (M3 – M7) to help generate ideas for the final paper and ensure you meet the requirements for this assignment.

You should think of this final assignment as an opportunity to create an intervention to increase health equity in a community that experiences health disparities at multiple levels (e.g., communities and healthcare systems). This is the time to dream and plan for what is possible for those in need of health equity.


Choose ONE community from one of the application exercises you previously completed. You will expand this into a paper in which you provide a detailed intervention.

Write a 1,200-1,500-word, double-spaced paper using social determinants of health and thesocio-ecological model to create an intervention to increase health equity among a marginalized community (e.g., racial and ethnic minorities, older adults, people with disabilities).

Provide an overall description of the marginalized community who will benefit from the intervention.

In your paper, make sure to incorporate the completed table from the application exercise that corresponds to the community you are focusing on.

The purpose of incorporating the table is to provide a visual aid and concise overview of the social determinants of health and levels of the SEM. Make sure the table describes the specific social determinants of health that affect health outcomes for the community you’ve chosen and that you plan to address with the proposed intervention. You can screenshot the table and add it to your paper. You should then elaborate on the intervention after incorporating the table into your paper.

Your intervention must include more than one level from the socio-ecological model (e.g., intrapersonal and community).

Your intervention must also explicitly state which social determinants of health you are addressing at each level from the socio-ecological model.

Your paper must also describe the intervention and how it addresses the stated social determinants of health within each of the identified levels of the socio-ecological model.

The intervention must also include cultural competence or cultural humility in the design.


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[SOLVED] Module 8 Final Paper Health Intervention