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[SOLVED] MKTG 227M Marketing Management Essentials Academic Year 2024/25 Term 1 Python


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Academic Year 2024/25

Term 1

MKTG 227M:

Marketing Management Essentials


This course is a half-module that runs in the Michaelmas term for Business Management students. MKTG102 is a pre-requisite. This module aims to build on the conceptual knowledge and practical understanding of key marketing management topics, which were introduced with MKTG102. By developing this deeper understanding, students may then take other specialist marketing modules in their final year.

These modules and half-modules could include:

•    MKTG211 Qualitative Market Research.

•    MKTG212 Quantitative Market Research

•    MKTG225 – Consumer Behaviour – (ONLY with co-requisite/pre-requisites MKTG211 Qualitative Market Research)

•    MKTG229 – Routes to Market

•    MKTG232 – Advertising

•    MKTG233 – Digital marketing

•    MKTG234 – Social Media Marketing

•    MKTG301 – Strategic Marketing

•    MKTG302 – Strategic Negotiation: Making sustainable deals

•    MKTG315 – Marketing Innovation

•    MKTG327 – Management of Marketing

•    MKTG334 – Critical and Creative Communications – (ONLY with pre-requisite MKTG232)

Course aims:

•   To continue the learning started with MKTG102 to provide students with a deeper knowledge of key marketing subject areas.

•   To provide students with an understanding of how marketing management works in practice and how the different topics as  taught blend and interact in a business environment.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this course, you should be able to:

•    Demonstrate an understanding of how marketing is influenced by the behaviours of consumers and how we as consumers are influenced by marketers.

•   Appreciate and understand the importance of services and service marketing in the marketing environment.

•    Demonstrate understanding of current conceptualisations of brands, what they mean to various stakeholders, and why they are becoming more important in business and society.

•    Introduce the concepts and language of digital marketing and understand how digital media and tools function in organisations.

•   To gain an understanding of why international marketing is distinctive and differs from domestic marketing.

•    Effectively analyse complex real-world marketing issues based on deep understanding of both theory and practice.

Employability Skills

This module focuses on developing two specific skills:

Analytical skills: This course aims to help enhance your engagement with theory. As part of your assessment, you are required to choose a brand and analyse its customer journey.  You will  practice developing  your  analytical  skills  throughout  the  whole module.  Developing  your analytical skills is important for dealing  with real-life situations that you will encounter in the workplace.

Reflective skills: As part of your assessment, you are required to draft a reflective essay  on  a  recent  shopping  experience.  This  will  allow  you  to  develop  a  better understanding  of  the   role  of  marketing  and  your  own  consumption  patterns   in addition to exploring the implications and importance of various touchpoints.

Communication & Inquiries

Please check the Moodle course website regularly. Lectures slides, recordings, readings, and announcement will be posted there throughout the term. For general inquiries, regarding the module, seminars, or coursework assessment, please speak first to your seminar tutor, and for specific inquiries relating to lecture content, please contact the relevant lecturer via e-mail.

Course Structure


There will be one hour in-person lecture on Wednesday every week at FAR – Faraday LT from 11:00am-12:00pm, and one hour pre-recorded (asynchronous) lecture uploaded via Panopto and posted on Moodle each week during the term.  Please make sure you watch the pre- recorded lectures every week and check the recommended readings before attending the in- person lecture.

We will coverseven key Marketing Management topics across the term



Delivered by


Introduction to the module

Dr Eman Gadalla


Consumer behaviour

Dr Eman Gadalla


Services marketing

Dr Eman Gadalla


Brand management

Dr Eman Gadalla


Digital Marketing Strategy

Dr Eman Gadalla


Guest lecturer



Regulation, Responsibility & Consumption

Dr Eman Gadalla


Global Marketing

Dr Felix Martin


The Future of Marketing

Dr Eman Gadalla


Revision + Q&A

Dr Eman Gadalla

In-person seminars and online drop-in sessions

Seminars and drop-in sessions are mainly dedicated to support the assessment. This will help you to work effectively and efficiently on the coursework as early as possible. Students will be required to attend a 1-hour in-person seminar in weeks 3, 5, 7 and 9. To facilitate learning for all, you are required to treat seminars professionally.

Additionally, to answer any relevant inquiries, online drop-in sessions will be delivered via Teams link during weeks 4, 6 and 8. Attendance at drop-in sessions is not compulsory; it is your own responsibility and choice to decide on that.

Assessment: 100% coursework

Assessment Weighting: 100% coursework comprising of 80% analytical report submitted in the form. of a presentation (PowerPoint file + notes) and 20% reflective essay.

Coursework Assessment

80% presentation (ppt file + notes): You are required to submit a presentation demonstrating your  analytical  skills.  Building  on  your  knowledge,  you  will  have  the  opportunity  during seminars to work  on  your  presentation.  The  topic  of  the  presentation  should  cover  the following: “Using relevant academic literature / theories critically analyse and evaluate a chosen brand by particularly focusing on the customer journey and taking into consideration other relevant marketing management topics

You should carefully consider your  brand  choice taking  into  consideration  the seven  key marketing management topics. The chosen marketing management topics should be relevant to the brand and properly connected to support your arguments and analysis. For guidance only and to help you choose the most relevant topics, you can start by asking yourself the following questions:

•   Why did you choose this brand? Is it a global brand?

•    Is the chosen brand successful? Why?

•   What are the key issues/challenges and opportunities facing that brand?

•   Are these factors interconnected? If yes how and why?

Further advice will be given during all seminars and throughout the module during the online drop-in sessions. Although, you will be provided with a PowerPoint template to use, you can creatively determine the exact contents of the presentation.

Please take the following into consideration:

•    You  must conduct secondary research; additional online  research uncovering up to date information about the brand is essential to enable you to fully understand the big picture. The reference list must include the weekly key readings discussed during lectures in addition to Three NEW, self-sourced academic journal articles focusing on customer experience. You should NEVER use Wikipedia, blogs, or other non-editorial internet sources.

•    You must demonstrate how you use information rather than reiterate what you have learned   (i.e.,   demonstrate criticality in   your    answer   and   a    higher    level   of understanding of the topic at hand using relevant key readings).

•    Please make sure to use your own words instead of copying and pasting from various sources. You  must  cite  properly your  sources  using Harvard  style. and  avoid  poor paraphrasing.

•    Please remember, that for the purpose of this coursework, there are no right or wrong answers, just more or less effective argument, and what matters is the quality of your analysis and clarity of how you communicate it.

20% reflective essay: As part of your assessment, you are required to write a 1000 – 1500 words reflective essay on the following:

Critically reflect on a recent and/or memorable shopping experience in a marketplace or consumption setting. Drawing on relevant academic literature / theories reflectively explore, evaluate, and reflect on this experience.’

It is important to be creative and explain your reflections in anyway you think would be best. You might find it helpful to start working on that from week 3 by keeping a reflective  diary or record reflective thoughts during various lectures each week to draw upon in your reflective essay.

Assessment  Deadline: Electronic  pdf  file  must  be  submitted to the  Moodle  MKTG  227M submission folder by Monday 13 Jan 2025 at 3:00pm. The penalty for late submissions up to three days is minus a grade off your final mark so a B would be recorded as a C. Any later submissions  will  be  awarded   F4.  No  extensions  will   be  allowed  for  the  submission  of coursework except in the case of certified illness or another substantial cause. Applications for extensions for whatever reason must be directed to Bev Moss ([email protected]).

Coursework Assessment Criteria

Your coursework will be assessed against the criteria detailed in the table below. These criteria (on the left of Table 1. below) are those typically used to evaluate written essay in the Department of Marketing. Feedforward (on the right of Table 1.) provides guidance to help you translate these criterial into what is needed for this piece of coursework. You can also use the general grade descriptors to help you critically evaluate your own work. The grade given to your work is a summary of the overall standard of the piece of work across all criteria.

Table 1. Assessment Criteria and Feedforward

Marking Criteria

Feedforward is provided here to help you apply these abstract criteria to this specific piece of coursework.

Feedback will be provided against each criterion.

Argument, understanding and analysis

E.g., Relevance to set question, understanding of the issues,

appropriate criticism, balance of the arguments, pertinent

analysis, quality of conclusions.

Excellent work will also present a coherent,

consistent, and well-argued analysis. Providing a

comprehensive analysis of the brand and its customer journey are essential. This can be done through the

identification of relevant marketing management topics using relevant marketing theories.

Sources and evidence

E.g., Use of relevant

theory/data, recognition of ethical concerns, accurate referencing, suitable


Excellent work will demonstrate thorough research and engagement with multiple and credible sources. Excellent work will present data that justify relevant arguments. Accurate referencing of these theoretical tools and of data presented should be consistent


Written communication

E.g., Format and structure, clarity of communication, appropriate illustrations, creativity/originality.

Excellent work will demonstrate the clear and concise presentation of relevant arguments. Excellent work

will present a coherent, compelling, and impactful

narrative. It will also demonstrate originality through the quality of insights generated.


No single textbook covers the content of this module. You will be provided with a reading list for each ‘topic of the module, which will include both compulsory and additional texts. In all cases, these will be available electronically, and where possible, the list will provide an appropriate link to the reading.

Other Interesting & Helpful readings:

You should consult mainstream marketing journals such as: Journal of Marketing, Journal of Marketing Management, European Journal of Marketing, Journal of Advertising, Journal of   Retailing, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Psychology and Marketing, Journal  of Interactive Marketing.

For a more critical perspective on Marketing, you can check the following journals: Journal of Public Policy and Marketing, Consumption, Markets & Culture, Journal of Macro marketing, Marketing Theory.

You may also find some useful resources on the following websites:

• Chartered Institute of Marketing

• Marketing Magazine

• Marketing Week

• Financial Times

• BBC Business:latest UK and international developments in business.

• Brand Republic:Latest news for marketing, advertising, media, and PR (Public Relations).

• Brand Strategy Insider:A website dedicated to helping marketing-oriented leaders and professionals build strong brands.

• eMarketer Inc:Market research one-business and online marketing.

• The Grocer magazine:An online service and weekly magazine with coverage of the whole FMCG sector.

• Campaign magazine:provides real-time news and analysis by expert commentators in eight territories around the world. Apart from the UK, Campaign now serves the

US, Southeast Asia, India, China, Japan, Turkey, and the Middle East.

• Retail Dive: provides news and analysis for retail executives (e.g., retail tech, marketing,e-commerce, logistics, in-store operations … . etc)

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[SOLVED] MKTG 227M Marketing Management Essentials Academic Year 2024/25 Term 1 Python