Based on Lab 3 (simple single-cycle CPU), add a memory unit to implement a complete single-cycle CPU which can run R-type, I-type and jump instructions.
2. Demands
- Please use iverilog as your HDL simulator.
- v, and TestBench.v are supplied. Please use these modules and modules in Lab 3 to accomplish the design of your CPU.
Specify in your report if you have any other files in your design.
- Submit all *.v source files and report(pdf) on new e3. Other form of file will get -10%.
- Refer to Lab 3 for top modules name and IO ports.
Initialize the stack pointer (i.e., Reg_File[29]) to 128, and other registers to 0
Decoder may add control signals:
- Branch_o
- Jump_o
- MemRead_o
- MemWrite_o
- MemtoReg_o
3. Requirement description
- Basic instruction:
Lab 3 instruction + lwswbeqbnej
Op[31:26] | Rs[25:21] | Rt[20:16] | Rd[15:11] | Shamt[10:6] | Func[5:0] |
I-type | |||||
Op[31:26] | Rs[25:21] | Rt[20:16] | Immediate[15:0] | ||
Jump | |||||
Op[31:26] | Address[25:0] |
Definition: lw instruction:
memwrite is 0, memread is 1, regwrite is 1 Reg[rt] Mem[rs+imm]
sw instruction:
memwrite is 1, memread is 0 Mem[rs+imm] Reg[rt]
branch instruction:
branch is 1, and decide branch or not by do AND with the zero signal from ALU beq:
if (rs==rt) then PC=PC+4+ (sign_Imm<<2)
if (rs!=rt) then PC=PC+4+ (sign_Imm<<2)
Jump instruction:
jump is 1
PC={PC[31:28], address<<2}
Op field:
instruction | Op[31:26] |
lw | 6b101100 |
sw | 6b101101 |
beq | 6b001010 |
bne | 6b001011 |
jump | 6b000010 |
Extend ALUOp from 2-bit to 3-bit: (You can modify this if necessary)
instruction | ALUOp |
R-type | 010 |
addi | 100 |
lui | 101 |
lwsw | 000 |
beq | 001 |
bne | 110 |
jump | x |
- Advance set 1:
Jal: jump and link
In MIPS, 31th register is used to save return address for function call Reg[31] save PC+4 and perform jump
PC={PC[31:28], address[25:0]<<2}
Op[31:26] | Address[25:0] |
6b000011 | Address[25:0] |
Jr: jump to the address in the register rs PC=reg[rs]
e.g. In MIPS, return could be used by jr r31 to jump to return address from JAL.
Op[31:26] | Rs[25:21] | Rt[20:16] | Rd[15:11] | Shamt[10:6] | Func[5:0] |
6b000000 | rs | 0 | 0 | 0 | 6b001000 |
- Advance set 2: blt (branch on less than): if( rs<rt ) then branch
Op[31:26] | Rs[25:21] | Rt[20:16] | Immediate[15:0] |
6b001110 | rs | rt | offset |
bnez (branch non equal zero): if( rs!=0) th | en branch (it is same as bne) | ||
Op[31:26] | Rs[25:21] | Rt[20:16] | Immediate[15:0] |
6b001100 | rs | 000000 | offset |
bgez (branch greater equal zero): if(rs>=0) then branch
Op[31:26] | Rs[25:21] | Rt[20:16] | Immediate[15:0] |
6b001101 | rs | 000001 | offset |
Example: when CPU executes function call:
If you want to execute recursive function, you must use the stack point (REGISTER_BANK [29]). First, store the register to memory and load back after function call has been finished.
4. Architecture Diagram
5. Test
Modify line 139 to 141 of TestBench.v to read different data.
CO_P4_test_data1.txt tests the basic instructions.
CO_P4_test_data2.txt tests the advanced set 1.
CO_P4_test_data2_2.txt test the advanced set 2.
After the simulation of TestBench, you will get the file CO_P4_result.txt. You can verify the result with dataX_result.txt.
If your design passes the test data, the following words would show in the terminal.
You can add more `include instructions if necessary.
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