- Write a Python program that counts the number of odd numbers, even numbers, squares of an integer and cubes of an integer from 2 to 130 (inclusive). For example, 9 is both odd and a square, 8 is even and a cube.Use constants to set the beginning and ending of the range.For output, print a title with the total range.For Odd and Even, print the totals and the range of the numbers in scope.For Squares and Cubes, print the totals and a list of the numbers that meet the criteriaNothing printed should be hard coded.
Example of Output:Checking numbers from 2 to 130Odd (64): 3129Even (65): 2130Square (10): [4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64, 81, 100, 121]Cube (4): [8, 27, 64, 125]
Chapter 4 Exercises
- Set a constant with an odd length string.Confirm in code that the string is of an odd length. Otherwise, print a relevant message for the user and end the program.For a string of odd length, print each of the following in double quotes:
- Print the entire string and its length.
- Print the middle character.
- Print the string up to but not including the middle character.
- Print the string from immediately following the middle character to the end.
Example of Output:My 27 character string is: A man a plan a canal PanamaThe middle character is: aThe 1st half of string is: A man a plan The 2nd half of string is: canal Panama
- Write a program that prompts the user for a sentence and calculates the number of uppercase letters, lowercase letters, digits, and punctuation. Output the results neatly formatted and labeled in columns.
Example of Output:# Upper # Lower # Digits # Punct.
2 36 4 5
- Write a program that prompts the user to enter a three-digit whole number such that the digits are in ascending order and without duplicates.
Valid examples: 123 and 489Invalid examples: 133 and 174
The program loops and re-prompts the user until a correct value is entered. Make sure to check whether the user entered the correct data type.
Example Run:
Please enter a 3-digit integer: 122
Your number contains duplication.
Please enter a 3-digit integer: 1234
Error: You did not enter a 3-digit number.
Please enter a 3-digit integer: 1.23
Error: This is not an integer. Please re-enter.
Please enter a 3-digit integer: 376
Error: The digits are not in ascending order.
Please enter a 3-digit integer: 348
Number Accepted!
Chapter 6 Exercise
- Create a test file with a single sentence of 20 words.Read the file, insert appropriate new line characters (
) and write the test to a new text file that contains four lines of five words.Print an error message and stop if the sentence in the file has other than 20 words.Test the input file for existence and not crash if the file does not exist.Remember to properly close the files.
Chapter 14 Exercise
- Create a text file containing student records by line and each record is of the format:
- Name of Student
- Student ID
For example (you can use your own examples):
Tyrion Lannister, 1, 3.7
Daenerys Targaryen, 52, 2.8
Jon Snow, 13, 3.9
Sansa Stark, 24, 3.4
Write a program to read the file line by line and store all the records in lists or tuples.
Hint: you need to create a list of lists or list of tuples.Afterwards, print the array that you created.
Include the file best practices described in exercise #5.
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