[Solved] MEAM620-Project 1 phase 3-Trajectory Generation and Control of a Quadrotor


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It is time to put everything together! In this Phase, you will need to autonomously control a simulated quadrotor through a 3D environment with obstacles. You will integrate everything that you have done in Phase 1 and 2 as well as implement an improved trajectory generator.

2 Quadrotor, Map, etc.

The simulated quadrotor is assumed to be a sphere with a radius of 0.25m. Other properties of the quadrotor are identical to Phase 1 and the map definitions are identical to Phase 2.

3 Trajectory Generation

By now you have a controller that can stabilize the quadrotor to some desired setpoint and a graph search algorithm that can find obstacle free paths through a given environment. All you need to do is stitch the two together, right? Well, not exactly. Recall, in Phase 1 your quadrotor was tasked with visiting a sequence of waypoints. Depending on your WaypointTraj implementation you may have noticed that while the quadrotor did visit the desired waypoints it did not do so in a very precise manner. For cases when the lines connecting given waypoints formed sharp corners, it is likely that your quadrotor had some overshoot when making the turn or worse, became unstable and flew away. Unfortunately, the optimal path output from your implementation of Dijkstra or A* usually contains many sharp turns due to the voxel grid based discretization of the environment further compounding this issue. There must exist a post-processing step wherein the points you get from your graph search algorithm are tidied up and connected in a manner suitable for flight. This is the task of trajectory generation.

There exist many ways to plan dynamically feasible trajectories through obstacle filled environments and it remains an active field of research in robotics. One method is to apply trajectory smoothing techniques to convert sharp turns into smooth trajectories that the robot can track. This involves removing redundant points from you graph search output and constructing polynomials to smoothly interpolate between them. A specific example is using minimum jerk or minimum snap polynomial segments as discussed in class. These and other techniques are also reviewed in [Chapter 3, PC 2017] [1]. You will need to determine the start and end point of each polynomial segment (using your graph search points), allocate travel time to each segment, and determine what boundary conditions should be enforced.

4 Collisions

Your quadrotor should fly as fast as possible. However, a real quadrotor is not allowed to collide with anything (video). Therefore, we have zero tolerance towards collision if you collide, you crash, you get zero for that test. For this part, collisions will be counted as if the free space of the robot is an open set; if you are on the boundary of a collision, you are in collision.

As a result of smoothing, your trajectory may deviate from the straight line path connecting the points generated by your graph search algorithm. Therefore, you should make good use of the margin parameter and be careful how you select your segment times (i.e. how fast the quadrotor is commanded to go). On the other hand, increasing margin too much can cause shortcuts to be closed off or worse: cause the map to become infeasible. Another dial you can turn is the grid resolution. A smaller resolution will result in a longer planning time but could unlock shortcuts to your goal that dramatically cut down your travel time. Experiment with each parameter and tune them to suit your graph search implementation and controller. Remember, in the end you should make sure that no part of the robot collides with any obstacles. However, we guarantee that for all the maps used for testing, there will always be openings that allow a sphere with radius 0.5m to pass through.

5 Coding Requirements

As usual, you will be provided with a project packet containing the code you need to complete the assignment. For this phase you will need your graph search algorithm and controller from Phases 1 and 2. After extracting the project packet be sure to replace proj1 3/code/se3 control.py and proj1 3/code/graph search.py with your implementations.

You will need to complete the implementation of the WorldTraj class in the provided world traj.py file. WorldTraj functions in a similar manner to the previous WaypointTraj class with a few added inputs. As usual, the provided code stubs are thoroughly documented and should be your first point of reference. In summary:

  1. Copy over your Phase 1 se3 control.py (waypoint traj.py need not be copied as it is now obsolete).
  2. Copy over your Phase 2 graph search.py (a fresh occupancy py will be provided).
  3. Now that all your code resides in proj1 3/code be sure your import commands are adjusted accordingly (e.g. from proj1 2.code.occupancy map becomes from proj1 code.occupancy map).
  4. Complete the implementation of code/world traj.py.
  5. Use the provided code/sandbox.py to aid in tuning and analysis.
  6. Test your implementation on a collection of given maps using util/test.py


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[Solved] MEAM620-Project 1 phase 3-Trajectory Generation and Control of a Quadrotor