- PCA experiments: Take any digit data ( 0,,9), or all of them, from website http://www-stat.stanford.edu/~tibs/ElemStatLearn/datasets/zip.digits/ and perform PCA experiments with Matlab or other languages (e.g. ipynb) you are familiar:
- Set up data matrix X = (x1,,xn) Rpn;
- Compute the sample mean n and form X = X eTn;
- Compute top k SVD of X = USkV T;
- Plot eigenvalue curve, i.e. i i(n)/tr(n) (i = 1,,k), with top-k eigenvalue i for sample covariance matrix , which gives you explained variation of data by principal components;
- Use imshow to visualize the mean and top-k principle components as left singular vectors U = [u1,,uk];
- For k = 1, order the images (xi) (i = 1,,n) according to the top first right singular vector, v1, in an ascending order of v1(i);
- For k = 2, scatter plot (v1,v2) and select a grid on such a plane to show those images on the grid (e.g. Figure 14.23 in book [ESL]: Elements of Statistical Learning).
- * You may try the parallel analysis with permutation test to see how many significantprinciple components you will obtain.
- MDS of cities: Go to the following website http://www.geobytes.com/citydistancetool.htm Perform the following experiment.
- Input a few cities (no less than 7) in your favorite, and collect the pairwise air traveling distances shown on the website in to a matrix D;
- Make your own codes of Multidimensional Scaling algorithm for D;
- Plot the normalized eigenvalues i/(Pi i) in a descending order of magnitudes, analyze your observations (did you see any negative eigenvalues? if yes, why?);
Homework 1. PCA and MDS 2
- Make a scatter plot of those cities using top 2 or 3 eigenvectors, and analyze yourobservations.
- Positive Semi-definiteness: Recall that a n-by-n real symmetric matrix K is called positive semi-definite (s.d. or 0) iff for every x Rn, xTKx 0.
- Show that 0 if and only if its eigenvalues are all nonnegative.
- Show that dij = Kii+Kjj 2Kij is a squared distance function, e. there exists vectors ui,vj Rn (1 i,j n) such that dij = kui ujk2.
- Let Rn be a signed measure s.t. Pi i = 1 (or eT = 1) and H = I eT be the Householder centering matrix. Show that 0 for matrix D = [dij].
- If 0 and), show that 0 (elementwise sum), and 0 (Hadamard product or elementwise product).
- Distance: Suppose that d : Rp Rp R is a distance function.
- Is d2 a distance function? Prove or give a counter example.
- Is d a distance function? Prove or give a counter example.
- Singular Value Decomposition: The goal of this exercise is to refresh your memory about the singular value decomposition and matrix norms. A good reference to the singular value decomposition is Chapter 2 in this book:
Matrix Computations, Golub and Van Loan, 3rd edition.
- Existence: Prove the existence of the singular value decomposition. That is, show that if A is an mn real valued matrix, then A = UV T, where U is mm orthogonal matrix, V is nn orthogonal matrix, and = diag(1,2,,p) (where p = min{m,n}) is an mn diagonal matrix. It is customary to order the singular values in decreasing order: 1 2 p 0. Determine to what extent the SVD is unique. (See Theorem 2.5.2, page 70 in Golub and Van Loan).
- Best rank-k approximation operator norm: Prove that the best rank-k approximation of a matrix in the operator norm sense is given by its SVD. That is, if A = UV T is the SVD of A, then Ak = UkV T (where k = diag(1,2,,k,0,,0) is a diagonal matrix containing the largest k singular values) is a rank-k matrix that satisfies
kA Akk = min kA Bk.
(Recall that the operator norm of A is kAk = maxkxk=1 kAxk. See Theorem 2.5.3 (page 72) in Golub and Van Loan).
- Best rank-k approximation Frobenius norm: Show that the SVD also provides the best rank-k approximation for the Frobenius norm, that is, Ak = UkV T satisfies
kA AkkF = min kA BkF.
Homework 1. PCA and MDS 3
- Schatten p-norms: A matrix norm k k that satisfies
kQAZk = kAk,
for all Q and Z orthogonal matrices is called a unitarily invariant norm. The Schatten p-norm of a matrix A is given by the `p norm (p 1) of its vector of singular values, namely,
Show that the Schatten p-norm is unitarily invariant. Note that the case p = 1 is sometimes called the nuclear norm of the matrix, the case p = 2 is the Frobenius norm, and p = is the operator norm.
- Best rank-k approximation for unitarily invariant norms: Show that the SVD provides the best rank-k approximation for any unitarily invariant norm. See also 7.4.51 and
7.4.52 in:
Matrix Analysis, Horn and Johnson, Cambridge University Press, 1985.
- Closest rotation: Given a square n n matrix A whose SVD is A = UV T, show that its closest (in the Frobenius norm) orthogonal matrix R (satisfying RRT = RTR = I) is given by R = UV T. That is, show that
where A = UV T. In other words, R is obtained from the SVD of A by dropping the diagonal matrix . Use this observation to conclude what is the optimal rotation that aligns two sets of points p1,p2,,pn and q1,,qn in Rd, that is, find R that minimizes . See also (the papers are posted on course website):
- [Arun87] Arun, K. S., Huang, T. S., and Blostein, S. D., Least-squares fitting of two 3-D point sets, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 9 (5), pp. 698700, 1987.
- [Keller75] Keller, J. B., Closest Unitary, Orthogonal and Hermitian Operators to a Given Operator, Mathematics Magazine, 48 (4), pp. 192197, 1975.
- [FanHoffman55] Fan, K. and Hoffman, A. J., Some Metric Inequalities in the Space of Matrices, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 6 (1), pp. 111116, 1955.
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