[Solved] MATH307 Individual Homework16


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Instructions: Read textbook pages 147 to 148 before working on the homework problems. Show all steps to get full credits.

21. Compute eigenvalues and eigenvectors of matrix1 2.3
  1. Suppose is an eigenvalue of an invertible matrix A corresponding to an eigenvector v, provide a set of eigenvalue and eigenvector for (A1)3. Note you may use the fact that the eigenvalues of an invertible matrix are nonzero.
  2. A matrix P is called a projector if P2 = P. Prove the eigenvalues of a projector are either 0 or 1.
  3. Let A be a mn matrix, prove that the eigenvalues of AA are real valued and non-negative.


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[Solved] MATH307 Individual Homework16