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[SOLVED] MATH 4753 Laboratory 1 Introduction to R


File Name: MATH_4753_Laboratory_1_Introduction_to_R.zip
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In this lab you will learn the basics of R. This program is free and you are encouraged to
obtain a copy for your Mac, PC or Linux machine. Install it and then download and install
R studio (this is a nice front end to R and is also free).Objectives
In this lab you will learn how to:
1. Read data into R.
2. Create data in R.
3. Manipulate data frames.
4. Create vectors.
5. Create matrices.
6. Create tables.
7. Create barplots.
8. Create pie charts.
9. Create boxplots.
10. Create scatter plots.
11. Be familiar with R markdown and knitting documentsTasks
There are a number of front-ends for R
We will however use Rstudio for the course but you may trial other front ends as you have time.
All answers to questions should be written up in R markdown and then knitted into an html. Save and place
the .Rmd, and .html files in the dropbox when completed.Only the html file will be graded (the rmd document will be viewed occasionally to help with coding
problems) Task 1
o Download from CANVAS the zipped data files, Dataxls
o Unzip the contents into a directory on your desktop (call it LAB1)
o Download the file lab1.r
o Place this file with the others in LAB1.
o Start Rstudio
o Open lab1.r from within Rstudio.
o Go to the session menu within Rstudio and set working directory to where the source
files are located.
o Obtain the working directory by issuing the command getwd(): Task 2
o Find the file DDT.xls inside LAB1
o Open it in Excel
o Save As type CSV(comma delimited) *.csv
o Use read.table(), read.csv() or the menu on Rstudio to read the data
into R, this function will already be available within the script lab1.r which you have
opened in Rstudio.
o Obtain the first six lines of the data using head(): Task 3
o We read the data into an object called ddt. This object contains all of the data. What are
the qualitative variables in ddt?
o What are the quantitative variables in ddt?
o How many SPECIES are in the ddt data set?o Subset the ddt data set so that we see only the observations with SPECIES, LMBASS and
WEIGHT bigger than 800gms
o Subset the ddt data set so that we see only those observations where the RIVER is SCM
and DDT bigger than 4.0 CLICKER QUESTIONS (these are to be answered below since most will not have a clicker yet)
Q.1 Find the mean length of fish in the ddt data frame! Ans.
Q.2 What is the standard deviation of the weight of fish
in the ddt data frame?
Ans.Q3. Is this the plot of LENGTH vs WEIGHT from the
ddt data frame?
Ans. 1=Yes, 0=NoQ4. If v=1:20 what is the last value of v/20? Ans.
Task 4
o Make a table of the rivers.
o Make a color coded barplot of the rivers.
o Make a table of the rivers crossed with the species of fish.
o Make a barplot of the rivers crossed with the species of fish. Task 5
o Make a pie chart of Fish SPECIES
o Make a pie chart of RIVERS Task 6
o Make a boxplot of the variable DDT
o Make a boxplot of the variable WEIGHT
o Make a boxplot of the variable LENGTH Task 7
o Make a coplot of LENGTH Vs WEIGHT given RIVER
o Make a coplot of DDT Vs WEIGHT given SPECIES Task 8 Make sure all code is placed in with your answers!
o Use ggplot and make the following boxplots (be sure to put your name on the title using
ggtitle())o Use ggplot and make the following violin plots (name on the title)
o Use ggplot and make the following scatter plots (name on the title)


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[SOLVED] MATH 4753 Laboratory 1 Introduction to R