MATH 331 — Fall 2024
Assignment 5 (due December 3)
Scan your solution to each of the following four problems as separate files and submit them by 11:59pm on the due date via CrowdMark (log in to https://app .crowdmark .com/sign-in/queensu using your OnQ account).
1. The following system of diferential equations is a model for two competing populations:
Find allequilibria of this system and classify them. Compute all therelevanteigenvectors relevant for drawing the phase-plane diagram. Sketch the phase plane diagram (by hand) in the first quadrant.
2. Here we consider an example of a hyperbolic equilibrium where linearization fails to give the correct phase-plane diagram close to the equilibrium (the conditions under which this can happen will be in later lectures). Consider the following function,
The origin is clearly an equilibrium of the system
(a) Show that h is continuously diferentiable on B(0; 1).
(b) Let Draw the phase-plane corresponding to the linearized system What is the classification and stability of the origin for this linearized system?
(c) Transform the diferential equation to polar coordinates. Show that for r ≠ 0 and r < 1, the diferential equation in polar coordinates is given by,
(d) Solve the system in polar coordinates assuming r(0) = r0 ∈ (0; 1) and θ(0) = θ0 . Draw the phase- plane diagram corresponding to the nonlinear system based on this. Based on your drawing, what should the classification and stability of the origin be?
3. Consider the following system of equations,
(a) Show that the origin is an equilibrium point of the system. Explain why you cannot classify the stability of this equilibrium using linearization.
(b) Find a Lyapunov function for the origin associated with this system using the following form,
(c) What is the stability of the equilibrium at the origin? If it is asymptotically stable, find the basin of attraction.
4. Let a, b, candd be positive parameters. Consider the following model of a chemical reaction consisting of two types of molecules (x and y represent the concentrations of the molecules).
(a) Find all the equilibria of this system.
(b) Classify the equilibria and determine stability if d ∈ (0, b).
(c) Classify the equilibria and determine stability if d > b.
(d) Draw bifurcation diagram of the system showing das the bifurcation parameter (in the horizontal axis) and x in the vertical axis. Identify the bifurcation that occurs at d = b.
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