[Solved] MAE 3210 Homework 2


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  1. Determine the real root of f(x) = x5 10x4 + 46x3 90x2 + 85x 31
    • Using the bisection method to determine the root with s = 10%. Employ the initial guesses of xl = 0.5 and xu = 1.
    • Perform the same computation as in (b) but use the false position methodand s = 0.2%.
  2. Determine the lowest real root of f(x) = 3x3 + 20x2 20x 12
    • Using the bisection method to determine the lowest root with s = 2%. Employ the initial guesses of xl = 1 and xu = 0.
    • Perform the same computation as in (b) but using the false position method.
  3. Textbook problem 5.13.
  4. Determine the real roots of f(x) = 0.5x3 4x2 + 8x 1
    • Using the Newton-Raphson method to within s = 0.01%.
  5. Determine all roots of f(x) = 3x3 + 20x2 20x 12
    • Using the Secant method to a value of s corresponding to three significant figures.


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[Solved] MAE 3210 Homework 2