[Solved] MA335 Homework01


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Take a screenshot of a window showing you completing all of these tasks. Save the screenshot as hwk1.jpg. Your screenshot should be clearly legible (dont make me squint, please), should contain mostly or entirely the shell window (not a whole bunch of the latest cool background), and should only show the relevant commands to this homework (one or two typos is fine, but I dont want to read bunches of your retries).

Before completing the tasks below, obtain the executables sayhi, and infinite loop, and the text file looking glass.txt from Moodle and put them on your virtual machine.

  1. View the contents of looking glass.txt using cat.
  2. List the contents of your home directory using ls.
  3. Run the executable sayhi.
  4. Make a new directory called dir1 using mkdir.
  5. Move sayhi into dir1 using mv.
  6. Display the current directory using pwd.
  7. Change directory to dir1 using cd.
  8. Copy sayhi to sayhi1 in your home directory using cp.
  9. Delete sayhi from the dir1 directory using rm.
  10. Move back to your home directory using cd.
  11. Run infinite loop.
  12. Kill infinite loop using Ctrl+C.

Reminder: Passing this homework is required to pass the class.


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[Solved] MA335 Homework01