- Download and unzip the initial application provided for this lab ( Lab3 Initial.zip).
- (10 Points) In the NewButton_click method, create the following:
- A random variable
- Two integer variables: var1 and var2
- (10 Points) Set the values of variables var1 and var2 to random numbers smaller than 10.
- (5Points) Change the text of the PromptLabel to prompt the user to enter the product of var1 and var2.
- (5 Points)Set the product variable to the product of var1 and var2.
- (50 points) a for loop to:
- Display 10 message boxes, each with a countdown from 10 to 0.
- Change the text of the TimeLabel to show the correct number (countdown from 10 to 0).
- (20 Points) In the SubmitButton_Click method, add code to increase the score by 20 points for every correct answer.
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