[Solved] Lab Sessions 04 Machine Control System EE373


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Lab Session 04 Exercise:

Question 1:

Obtain the state space representation for the system shown below. Solve the resulting state equations using MATLAB ode45 function (write complete script). Plot the inductor current i1 and i2 and the capacitor voltage vc as marked in the figure with respect to time for t = 0 to 500 sec considering the following values of R, L and C and write in your words about what you observed by looking at plots.

[Hint: Refer lecture 3 for the possible observations about this question.]

[Use separate A4 sheets for plots and attach it with this document]

System Parameters:

R1 = R2 = 10

L1 = L2 = 1 C = 5 e = 50

Write your answers below this line


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[Solved] Lab Sessions 04 Machine Control System EE373