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[SOLVED] Lab 5: hash tables in c


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In this lab we’re making hashtables in C. We’ve been using C arrays for the past two
labs and now that Lab 4 has given us a working linked list in C, we can implement a
hash table.
You will be doing the following:
● TODO1 implement the hash table
● (EXTRA CREDIT) TODO2 No memory leaks
○ valgrind will display the following message:
All heap blocks were freed — no leaks are possible
Hash Table Refresher
Put simply, a hash table is just an array that is able to store data associated with a key.
In Assignment 4 we were storing data using a String for our keys and an Object for
our value, which would eventually be a list. The reason we want to make an array of
lists instead of just using an array is it is much more efficient with storage space since
we don’t need to make space in an array for every possible hash value. Additionally we
don’t have to worry about running out of space in the array to deal with collisions, two
keys being turned into the same array index.
Recall that in Assignment 4 we needed to call the Java function hashCode() on our
String key and then turned the hash code (named hashCode in the PDF) into an index
into out hash table (making it between 0 and tableSize – 1.
String key = “hello”;
int hashCode = key.hashCode();
int arrayIndex = Math.abs(hashCode) % tableSize;
At a high level this code is converting a String into a valid array index. What
hashCode() is doing behind the scenes involves, at least in C, getting a bit closer to the
actual data representation in memory.
Hashing in C
Our hash() will actually be made up of three functions:
● int hash(Dictionary D, char* key)
○ The function that will return an array index
● unsigned int pre_hash(char* input)
○ This function converts a string into an unsigned int
● unsigned int rotate_left(unsigned int value, int shift)
○ The function responsible for moving bits to semi-randomize the
resulting key
Note: You will only need to call hash(Dictionary D, char* key) when you want to
compute a hash value.
These functions, included in the Dictionary.c file are defined as follows:
unsigned int rotate_left(unsigned int value, int shift) {
int sizeInBits = 8 * sizeof(unsigned int);
shift = shift & (sizeInBits – 1);
if(shift == 0){
return value;
return (value << shift) | (value >> (sizeInBits – shift));
unsigned int pre_hash(char* input) {
unsigned int result = 0xBAE86554 //this may correspond to an
while (*input) {
result ^= *input++;
result = rotate_left(result, 5);
return result;
int hash(Dictionary D, char* key) {
return pre_hash(key) % D->tableSize;
Note: You will only need to call hash(Dictionary D, char* key) when you want to
compute a hash value.
A few things to note about these functions are that they are manipulating the actual bits
of our data in memory, specifically the &, <<, >>, and ^= operators which are defined as
● & is bitwise AND
○ Instead of looking at a truth value it looks at the binary
representations of its arguments and creates a new binary number
using a logical AND for each bit (if you have taken CE12 you will be
familiar with this).
● << and >> are bit shifts
○ All data is represented as some sequence of bits in memory. Doing
a left or right shift moves the bit sequence stored in a given variable
(on the left) the specified number of bits (on the right) and fills in 0s
when there is no more of the original value to shift into a bit.
● ^= is a bitwise exclusive or assignment
○ This operator performs the XOR operation between its two
arguments and assigns the result to the left hand side.
Wikipedia has a more in depth explanations of bitwise operators if you’re curious
We have also included a program called HashDemo.c to show how the above three
functions work. To compile it, simply enter the following:
bash$ gcc -std=c99 -o HashDemo HashDemo.c
To run the program:
It will show you a breakdown of strings and their indices as created by the above
functions, the functionality of rotate_left() on a single unsigned int, and the number
of bits a single character takes up.
A Note on typedefs
In this lab we’ll also be seeing more of these statements and it’s one of the built in
abstractions in C. We’ve done typedef struct node_type {…} Node; to allow us
to refer to a Node without having to repeatedly say struct. Inside of Dictionary.h and
Dictionary.c are two other typedefs, one for a struct DictionaryObj* and one
for a struct EntryObj*. These allow you to refer to pointers by whatever name was
given after the typedef, in this case Dictionary is another name for a pointer to a
DictionaryObj and Entry is another name for a pointer to an EntryObj.
TODO1: Implementing the Hash Table
Similar to Assignment 4 you’ll be implementing something resembling the MyHashtable
class but not quite because, once again, C does not have classes. The basic blueprint
for our C version should look very familiar:
● A struct defined in the Dictionary.c called Entry (a lot like the Node struct
you implemented in Lab 4). It will once again store Key/Value pairs:
○ char* key
○ char* value
○ As before it should have an associated Entry newEntry(char* key,
char* value) function
○ As we’re in C it should also have an associated void freeEntry(Entry*
pE) function (more details about this in TODO2).
● Again like in Assignment 4 your hash table struct will have properties that aren’t
directly accessible outside of the Dictionary.c file:
○ int tableSize – the size of the array being used by the hash table
○ int size – the number of key/value entries currently in the hash table
○ List** table – an array of pointers to Lists. As in Assignment 4, the
reason for this is to handle cases where two keys have the same hash
● You’ll be implementing the following functions in Dictionary.c:
○ Dictionary newDictionary(int tableSize)
■ Allocates space for a new Dictionary, initializes the new
Dictionary’s variables, and returns it
○ void freeDictionary(Dictionary* pD)
■ Frees all data associated with the Dictionary pointed at by pD
(more detail about this in TODO2)
○ int isEmpty(Dictionary D)
■ Returns an int; booleans in C are integers. Traditionally a 1
represents true and 0 represents false
○ int size(Dictionary D)
■ Returns the number of key/value pairs in D
○ void insert(Dictionary D, char* key, char* value)
■ Adds a new key/value pair into the dictionary using a linked list to
deal with collisions (translating Assignment 4’s put() is a good
place to start)
○ char* lookup(Dictionary D, char* key)
■ Returns the value in Dictionary D associated with key
(translating Assignment 4’s get() is a good place to start)
○ void delete(Dictionary D, char* key)
■ Removes the Entry associated with key in Dictionary D
(translating Assignment 4’s remove() is a good place to start)
■ Remember that because we’re in C we need to free whatever was
deleted here.
○ void makeEmpty(Dictionary D)
■ Removes all Entries from Dictionary D (translating Assignment 4’s
clear() is a good place to start)
■ Remember that because we’re in C we need to free memory we’re
not using anymore ourselves
○ void printDictionary(FILE* out, Dictionary D)
■ Prints the contents of Dictionary D to a file. More on this below.
Each of the above functions has a brief description in Dictionary.h including specifics
about return values and preconditions (what each function assumes to be true when it’s
Making an Array of Lists and Notes About calloc
Because we’re in C, we don’t get to use the nice Java array syntax:
MyLinkedList[] table = new MyLinkedList[tableSize];
instead we need to do what we did in Lab 3 and use calloc():
● First we need a pointer to a List:
List** table
● Next, inside newDictionary() we’ll need to set our newly instantiated
Dictionary’s table pointer to point to something on the heap:
calloc(tableSize, sizeof(List*))
The reason we need table to be of type List** is because it’s an array of pointers to
Lists. Even though table looks a little strange compared to a Java array declaration
and initialization, we can still access whatever is in it using the same array indexing
we’ve been working with (assume D is of type Dictionary):
D->table[0] = make_list();
To make a new instance of a DictionaryObj we still need to call malloc(), which
requires a pointer:
Dictionary D = malloc(sizeof(DictionaryObj));
Note: One important thing to remember about sizeof() is you want to give it the
struct not the pointer. So when we want to make a new dictionary, we don’t want to
give sizeof() Dictionary, we want to give it DictionaryObj because remember that
Dictionary is really just another name for a DictionaryObj*.
A note on printDictionary()
The function void printDictionary(FILE* out, Dictionary D) is a little more
flexible than what we’ve been doing in C up to this point since it’s able to take any
arbitrary file and write to it. Instead of using printf() which only lets us print to
stdout, we can use fprintf() which functions almost identically to printf() with one
difference. A general call to printf looks like:
printf(“”, , ,…, );
while a general call to fprintf looks like:
fprintf(, “”, ,…,
Similar to Lab 2 in Java, C treats standard in (stdin) and standard out (stdout) as files
and you’ll notice that the calls to printDictionary() in DictionaryClient.c look like
printDictionary(stdout, A);
Compiling and Running
As in Lab 4, we have a few different files we need to compile at once to have our object
file actually work as intended. We also now have two different files for you to use to test
your hash table: DictionaryClient.c and DictionaryClient2.c. To compile them
you’ll need to run the following:
bash$ gcc DictionaryClient.c Dictionary.c list.c –std=c99 -o
to make the object file for DictionaryClient and
bash$ gcc DictionaryClient2.c Dictionary.c list.c –std=c99 -o
To make the object file for DictionaryClient2.
DictionaryClient is fairly simple and should print the following to the console:
two bar
five happy
one foo
three blah
seven blue
four galumph
six sad
key=”one” value=”foo”
key=”two” value=”bar”
key=”three” value=”blah”
key=”four” value=”galumph”
key=”five” value=”happy”
key=”six” value=”sad”
key=”seven” value=”blue”
two bar
five happy
four galumph
six sad
key=”one” not found “(null)”
key=”two” value=”bar”
key=”three” not found “(null)”
key=”four” value=”galumph”
key=”five” value=”happy”
key=”six” value=”sad”
key=”seven” not found “(null)”
DictionaryClient2 does something a little more fun and loads each line of its own .c
file into the hash table and prints the hashtable to a file named
DictionaryClient2-out, which should have the following contents:
line 53: key = &keyBuffer[keyBufferOffset];
line 36: value = &valBuffer[valBufferOffset];
line 63: freeDictionary(&A);
line 18: char* value;
line 45: key = &keyBuffer[keyBufferOffset];
line 11: #define MAX_LEN 180
line 28: while( fgets(line, MAX_LEN, in)!=NULL ){
line 55: insert(A, key, value);
line 21: int keyBufferOffset = 0, valBufferOffset = 0;
line 38: valBufferOffset = valBufferLength;
line 9: #include”Dictionary.h”
line 65: free(valBuffer);
line 47: keyBufferOffset = keyBufferLength;
line 31: lineNumber++;
line 2: // DictionaryClient2.c
line 13: int main(int argc, char* argv[]){
line 40: // put label in keyBuffer
line 57: valBufferOffset += (strlen(value) + 1);
line 23: char line[MAX_LEN+1];
line 50: // put keys and values in dictionary A
line 67: fclose(out);
line 49:
line 33: line[lineLength] = ‘’; // overwrite newline ‘

with null ‘’
line 60: printDictionary(out, A);
line 15: FILE* in = fopen(“DictionaryClient2.c”, “r”);
line 42: labelLength = strlen(label);
line 59:
line 5:
line 70: }
line 25: int i, labelLength, lineLength, lineNumber = 0;
line 52: for(i=0; i<lineNumber; i++){
line 69: return(EXIT_SUCCESS);
line 35: valBuffer = realloc(valBuffer,
valBufferLength*sizeof(char) );
line 62: // free memory and close files
line 17: char* key;
line 44: keyBuffer = realloc(keyBuffer,
keyBufferLength*sizeof(char) );
line 7: #include
line 10:
line 27: // read input files
line 54: value = &valBuffer[valBufferOffset];
line 20: char* valBuffer = NULL;
line 37: strcpy(value, line);
line 8: #include
line 64: free(keyBuffer);
line 19: char* keyBuffer = NULL;
line 46: strcpy(key, label);
line 30: // put line in valBuffer
line 1:
line 12:
line 29:
line 56: keyBufferOffset += (strlen(key) + 1);
line 22: int keyBufferLength = 0, valBufferLength = 0;
line 39:
line 66: fclose(in);
line 48: }
line 32: lineLength = strlen(line)-1;
line 3: // Another test client for the Dictionary ADT
line 14: Dictionary A = newDictionary();
line 41: sprintf(label, “line %d:t”, lineNumber);
line 58: }
line 4:
line 24: char label[MAX_LEN+1];
line 51: keyBufferOffset = valBufferOffset = 0;
line 68:
line 34: valBufferLength += (lineLength+1);
line 61:
line 16: FILE* out = fopen(“DictionaryClient2-out”, “w”);
line 43: keyBufferLength += (labelLength+1);
line 6: #include
line 26:
Memory Management
We’ve now done two labs in C and have a bit of experience doing manual memory
management so you’ll notice that our freeDictionary() function is asking for
something a little odd, a Dictionary* (remember that Dictionary is another name for
DictionaryObj*). The same is true of freeEntry() wanting an Entry* rather than an
Entry (another name for EntryObj*). The reason for this is to allow the function that
is responsible for freeing memory to also be able to set the pointer that is
pointing to the freed memory to NULL. Put more simply, it’s an emulation of the way
deleting something in Java works since in Java you don’t have to worry about a
reference pointing to deallocated memory.
What does this mean for you? If you look at either of the DictionaryClient.c files
you’ll notice that their calls to freeDictionary() use &A. &A means we’re getting the
address of A, which is of type Dictionary (really a DictionaryObj*). So when we say
freeDictionary(&A), we’re passing it the pointer to a pointer, which is what
freeDictionary() wants.
When we’re actually writing our destructor method, instead of simply freeing what we
were passed as we have done before with List:
void free_node(Node* node){
as an example, we need to dereference the pointer to the pointer. In
freeDictionary()’s case pD is a pointer to a pointer to an instance of a DictionaryObj:
&pD->pD->instance of DictionaryObj
If all we have is &pD, how do we get to our instance? We can use the * operator to
dereference &pD like this:
Once we have (*pD), we can treat it just like a regular pointer! But because we also
have &pd (the pointer to the pointer), this allows us to set pD to NULL inside the
freeDictionary() function.
Note: Remember that the List we built in Lab 4 uses a void* for data and since we’ll
be storing an Entry in a Node struct, we’ll need to loop through the List calling
freeEntry() on each Node’s data pointer. Once we finish freeing each Entry, then
we’re allowed to call free_list().
Reminders About valgrind
Make sure you’re running valgrind as follows for both DictionaryClient and
valgrind –leak-check=full -v ./DictionaryClient
valgrind –leak-check=full -v ./DictionaryClient2
The important things to look out for (after segmentation faults) is that the number of
allocations and the number of frees should be the same. Generally when these are
equal you won’t have any memory leaks, though the in use report at exit part of the
HEAP SUMMARY will give you a more detailed breakdown.
TODO 1: 85 points
● Entry and Dictionary structs completed (10 points)
● newDictionary(), newEntry(), freeDictionary(), freeEntry()
implemented (15 points)
● size() and isEmpty() implemented (5 points)
● delete() and makeEmpty() implemented (20 points)
● insert() and lookup() implemented (25 points)
● printDictionary() implemented (10 points)
TODO 2: (EXTRA CREDIT) 10 points (no memory leaks)
Style: 15 points
As a note, it is far more important to turn in code that compiles and is a TODO or only
partially does a TODO, than it is to attempt a TODO and make your code uncompilable.
If you code doesn’t compile, you will receive 40 points off, so make sure your code
compiles before you submit it (even if you are missing a TODO).
Turning in the Lab
● Create a directory with the following name: _lab5 where you
replace with your actual student ID. For example, if your student
ID is 1234567, then the directory name is 1234567_lab5.
● Put a copy of your edited Dictionary.h, Dictionary.c , list.h, list.c,
DictionaryClient.c, and DictionaryClient2.c files in the directory.
● Compress the folder using zip. Zip is a compression utility available on mac, linux
and windows that can compress a directory into a single file. This should result in
a file named _lab5.zip (with replaced with your
real ID of course).
● Upload the zip file through the page for Lab 5 in canvas.


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[SOLVED] Lab 5: hash tables in c