[Solved] Lab 2: Format a Web Page Using CSS

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This iLab supports the following TCOs.

TCO 3—Given an original source document, convert the document to a web page using HTML and CSS.

TCO 4—Given an older website that requires updating, review the techniques used to create the current site; develop a plan to revise the site using CSS layout techniques, client-side scripts, and other current website design techniques; and convert the web pages based on the plan.

Given a basic HTML file, create and apply embedded CSS styles to the content on the page. Given the same basic HTML page, create and attach an external CSS file based on the specifications given in the assignment.

  1. You will need to create embedded and external CSS style rules.
  2. You will also need to attach an external CSS file to the original HTML page.


Deliverable Points
Part A—Create embedded CSS rules. 10
Part B—Create and attach the CSS file. 3
Part B—Create CSS rules for the listed tags in the external CSS file. 8
Part C—Create the listed CSS class rules. 8
Part C—Apply the CSS class rules to the HTML content. 5
Lab Report—All sections complete. 6
Total 40

Lab Steps


  1. Download the lab2.html document found in the Lab section of Doc Sharing.

Part A: Embedded CSS

  1. Create Embedded CSS Rules.

In the lab2.html file, create a set of embedded CSS rules for the following properties. You will need to identify the appropriate tag(s) and attributes for each set of rules.

Background color for the page A light tan: #FC6
Font color for all text in the page A dark blue: #039
Font for all text in the page Comic Sans MS
Font size for all the text in the page Body: 14 points
Color for all hyperlinks Dark red: #CC0000
Visited link color for all hyperlink Dark red: #CC0000
Rollover link color for all hyperlinks Dark green: #060
Active link color for all hyperlinks Dark red: #CC0000
No link should be underlined for all links Never underline

Part B: External CSS

  1. Create and attach the CSS file.
  • Create a new CSS file.
  • Save the file and name it styles.css.
  • Attach the styles.css file to the lab3.html file.
  1. Create the CSS tag rules.
  • For all of the following tags, create the CSS rule from the descriptions below.
  • All rules should be created in the styles.css file.
H1 Background color: #39fBorder on the bottom with the following rules

  • Width: thin
  • Style: solid
  • Color: #003

Centered textMargin on all sides: 35 pixels

H2 Text color: #333, bold
p Font: GeorgiaText color: #030Padding of 15 pixels on all sides
li Font family: ArialBackground color: grayText color: black, boldText size: 18 points

Part C: CSS Class Rules

  1. Create the CSS class rules.
  • In the styles.css file, create the following class rules using CSS.
example1:This class will be applied to Example 1. Background color: #699Text color: #033, boldText size: 10 pointsMargin on all sides: 25 pixelsPadding on all sides: 25 pixels
example2:This class will be applied to Example 2. Background color: #66cBorder on all sides with the following rules· Width: 10px· Style: solid· Color: #06cText size: 10 pixelsText color: #ccc
Example3:This class will be applied to Example 3. Font family: ArialBackground color: #6ffText color: 030Text size: 36 pointsMargin on all sides: 50 pixelsPadding on all sides: 50 pixels
  1. Apply the CSS class rules to the HTML content.

Apply the class CSS rules to the corresponding content in the lab3.html file as specified in


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[Solved] Lab 2: Format a Web Page Using CSS
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