[Solved] Lab 10 File Lexer


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In this assignment you are going to create a file lexer. A lexer is a program that performs some sort of lexical analysis, which is essentially translating a stream of characters (from a file, user input, or some other source), into a series of tokens. A token is a string that has some sort of meaning to a program. A line of code in a source file could have multiple tokens like void main() or int which are then sent to a compiler for interpretation. The tokens themselves are inherently useless without some sort of additional processing. (Additional processing could be pretty much anything you want.)

In our case, the tokens are going to be words taken from the chapters of a novel. The files youll read will have some information you need to filter out, so in the end you just have the words themselves with no punctuation or even capitalization. Just the words themselves. Youll use a map<string, int> to store them (the integer will be how many times the word appears in the file).


First things first, the files: There are 4 main files that you will be loading in this assignment:


Whats in these files? Lorem Ipsum, seemingly random sample text used to simulate real content on a printed page. The code you use to read these files will be the same whether its sample text or a real file.

To start, you need to get the words from the file. A good approach for this (like you may have done before) is to get a single line from the file, create a stringstream object from that line, then using getline() with a space as a delimiter, break that line into multiple pieces (i.e. individual words).

Once you have the word, you need to make sure its properly formatted, so you can later search through the data without concern for whether the data is clean or not. You want to store them, and the number of times they appear in the list, for later access.


  1. Words should have no blank spaces at the beginning or end. Removing these leading or trailing whitespaces is often referred to as trimming the string.
  2. In addition to trimming any whitespace, you also want to remove any non-letter characters from your string. This means punctuation marks like periods, commas, etc if it isnt a letter, we dont want to keep it.

For example, lets say you had this string:

string test = 2%$ 3948BATMAN 1 1 49138&%(!;

After converting, you would be left with just batman

Note about rules: Depending on the file (and your desired results), there could be a LOT of rules for something like this. You could have a word like brother but modify it to be plural or possessive such as brothers or brothers. Do you store these 2 separately? Or are they really the same, just a variation of the base word (if so, how do you determine that)?

If thats the case, you may have to write a lot of code (with a lot of rules) to determine exactly how you want to treat a particular word. Developing a grammar from a particular set of data can be quite difficult. Think of all the rules and exceptions in English. Now, think of how to write a program to support all of that.

In this assignment, the rules come down to really just one rule: Anything not a letter is removed from the string.

How to remove something from a string?

Removing character from either end of a string is easy. std::string has two functions you could use:

string::pop_back() removes the last character from the string
string::erase() erase some number of characters based on the parameters you specify.You can specify an index and a count of characters, or use an iterator (such as begin()) to indicate a location

For more info: http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/string/string/erase/

The characters that you want to erase in this assignment are anything NOT letters. A-Z as well as a-z are what we want to keep. Keep in mind that these characters are just numeric values:

Character ASCII Value Character ASCII Value
a 97 A 65
b 98 B 66
z 122 Z 90

You can use characters in numeric checks as wellthey get converted to their integer equivalent:

// Check if a character is upper-case char someLetter = C;

if (someLetter >= A && someLetter <= Z) cout << Its upper-case;

That essentially checks if 67 (C) is greater than or equal to 65 and less than or equal to 90 (which it is).

When removing something from a container (ANY container, not just strings), you could end up removing everything from that container. Make sure you arent try to perform any operations on nothing at all.

Converting to Lower/Uppercase Characters

Words should be all converted to lowercase for comparison. For example, without modification, Dinosaur and dinosaur are two different words. So if you had this:

Word: Dinosaur Count: 10

Word: dinosaur Count: 12

It should instead report (after converting):

Word: dinosaur Count: 22

If you wanted to track the original capitalization of a word, you would have to store that as a separate piece of dataanother map, perhaps? For example, map<string, vector<string>> could be used to store the lower-case version as a key, and all the permutations originally found could be stored in a vector.

There exists a function in the header file <cctype> called tolower(). It takes a single character and returns the lower-case version of it. If the conversion cant be made (whats lower-case #, anyway?) it just returns the original parameter, unchanged.

// Example char tiny = B; tiny = tolower(tiny); cout << tiny; // Prints b http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/cctype/tolower/

Convert then trim? Trim then convert?

There isnt anything inherently wrong with doing one of those before the other. If you trim first, you will have to check for upper-case letters. If you convert first, you will potentially be comparing more characters with tolower() than you might have to both approaches can get the job done in the end (and the extra computations that might seem wasteful in either approach are very minor).

Whats next?

After you have cleaned up the string, your token is ready for whatever you want! In this assignment, youll perform some simple operations:

Show the word list and a count.

Whats the most common word from the list?

How many words longer than a certain number of characters? How many times does <some word> appear in the list?


The key to going through STL containers is to use iterators. While some objects like vectors and strings store their data contiguously, making simple for loop iteration possible, thats not true of all containers. For that, you need an iterator. In C++ iterators commonly revolve around the use of 2 functions: begin(), and end().

Want to start with the first element in a list? Thats begin(). Want to reach the end of the list? Thats just BEFORE end(). Before? Why not on end()? The end() function returns an iterator that is beyond the range of elements.

Think of it like this: if you were looping through an array of 10 elements, the valid indices would be 0-9.

The end index would be 10, or 1 past the last element. With iterators, end() functions the same way. In both cases, you should never try to USE that just past the end element, but it can be helpful to check against that. Check the slide presentation on iterators for more information.


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[Solved] Lab 10 File Lexer