[Solved] Lab 10 CMPUT 398


File Name: Lab_10_CMPUT_398.zip
File Size: 150.72 KB

SKU: [Solved] Lab 10 CMPUT 398 Category: Tag:
5/5 - (1 vote)


The purpose of this lab is to introduce you to the OpenCL API by implementing vector addition. You will implement vector addition by writing the GPU kernel code as well as the associated host code.

All parts of this lab will be submitted as one zipped file through eclass. Details for submission are at the end of the lab.


Edit the code where the TODOs are specified. There are many tutorials on

OpenCL online and in the slides. It can be helpful to get the build log of the OpenCL program to see what issues you might have with your kernel. Check out:


Local Setup Instructions


  1. Download Lab10.zip.
  2. Unzip the file.
  3. Open the Visual Studios Solution in Visual Studios 2013.
  4. Build the project. Note the project has two configurations.
    1. Debug
    2. Submission

But make sure you have the Submission configuration selected when you finally submit.

  1. Run the program by pressing the following button:

Make sure the Debug configuration is selected. Running the program in Visual Studios will run one of the tests located in Dataset /Test.


To run all tests located in Dataset/ Test, first build the project with the Submission configuration selected. Make sure you see the Submission folder and the folder contains the executables.

To run the tests, click on Testing_Script.bat. This will take a couple of seconds to run and the terminal should close when finished. The output is saved in Marks.js, but to view the calculated grade open Grade.html in a browser. If you make changes and rerun the tests, then make sure you reload Grade.html. You can double check with the timestamp at the top of the page.


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[Solved] Lab 10 CMPUT 398