[Solved] Javascript Classwork 6

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  1. Create a function that takes three collections of arguments and returns the sum of the product of numbers.product(1,2)(1,1)(2,3) ➞ 8 // 1 * 1 * 2 + 2 * 1 * 3product(10,2)(5,0)(2,3) ➞ 100 // 10 * 5 * 2 + 2 * 0 * 3product(1,2)(2,3)(3,4) ➞ 30 // 1 * 2 * 3 + 2 * 3 * 4product(1,2)(0,3)(3,0) ➞ 0 // 1 * 0 * 3 + 2 * 3 * 0
  2. Create a function that calls an object property with procedural like style. magic.replace(“azerty”, “a”, “A”) ➞ “Azerty”magic.length(“hello word”) ➞ 10magic.trim(” javascript is awesome “) ➞ “javascript is awesome” magic.slice([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], 2, 4) ➞ [ 3, 4 ]

3. Car Constructor

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Write a Car constructor that initializes model and milesPerGallon from arguments.

All instances built with Car:

  1. should initialize with a tank at 0
  2. should initialize with an odometer at 0

Give cars the ability to get fueled with a .fill(gallons) method. Add the gallons to the tank. – STRETCH: Give cars the ability to .drive(distance). The distance drove:Should cause the odometer to go up.

Should cause the tank to go down taking milesPerGallon into account. STRETCH: A car which runs out of fuel while driving can’t drive any more distance:The drive method should return a string “I ran out of fuel at x miles!” x being odometer.

  1. Write a function that makes the first number as large as possible by swapping out its digits for digits in the second number.maxPossible(9328, 456) ➞ 9658// 9658 is the largest possible number built from swaps from 456. // 3 replaced with 6 and 2 replaced with 5.maxPossible(523, 76) ➞ 763 maxPossible(9132, 5564) ➞ 9655 maxPossible(8732, 91255) ➞ 9755
  2. Write a function that will work equivalent new keyword.


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[Solved] Javascript Classwork 6
30 $