[Solved] Java Homework6-Graphs And Trees


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A node at level n has exactly n ancestors, assuming root node is level zero. This is because each node (except for the root node) has one parent node. So a node at level one has a single parent, the root node. A node at level two has a parent at level one, who has a parent at level zero, and so on.


Assume that the number of nodes is given by 2n 1 where n is the number of leaves of a binary tree. If there is a binary tree of level zero, there will be a single leaf. By the previous equation, 2(1) 1 = 1, and so the equation is satisfied.

If a binary tree T has two children, subtrees A and B, then the total number of leaves will be leavesA + leavesB = leavesT, or a + b = t. By the previous equation, A and B each have 2a 1 and 2b 1 nodes, respectively. Thus, the total number of nodes in T is 1 + (2a 1) + (2b 1).

1 + (2a 1) + (2b 1) =

1 + 2a + 2b 2 =

2a + 2b 1 =

2(a + b) 1 =

2t 1 =

2n 1


The total number of pointer fields will be equal to the number of nodes times the number of pointer fields per node. For an m-ary tree, this will be equal to n m. All nodes except for the primary root node have a pointer from their parent node. Thus the number of allocated pointers is n 1. The number of remaining null pointers is thus equal to (n m) (n 1).

Simplifying, we see:

(n m) (n 1) =

(n m) n + 1 = nm n + 1 =

n(m 1) + 1


/** Java/pseudocode for right in-thread binary tree with

** sequential array representation


// class to represent a node in the tree class Node{ DataType data; int left;

// int value representing index of left node int right; // int value representing index of right node boolean rThread;


// binary tree class (sequential array implementation) public class

TreeClass{ private Node[] treeArray;

// constructor public void TreeClass(int size, DataType item){ treeArray = new Node[size]; treeArray[0] = makeTree(item);


// returns true if tree is empty, false otherwise public boolean isEmpty(){ if (treeArray[0] == null){ return true;

} else{ return false;



// creates a new node with data, null left and right pointers, and rThread = false public void makeTree(DataType item){ Node temp = new Node; temp.data = item; temp.left = null; temp.right = null; temp.rThread = false; return temp;


// creates a left child node with data public void setLeft(int parentIndex, DataType item){ Node p = treeArray[parentIndex]; int childIndex = 2 * parentIndex; // set correct index for child if (p == null) { throw exception;

} else if (p.left != null){ throw exception;

} else{

Node temp = makeTree(item); p.left = childIndex; temp.right = parentIndex; temp.rThread = true; treeArray[childIndex] = temp; // place new node at appropriate location in array



// creates a right child node with data public void setRight(int parentIndex, DataType item){ Node p = treeArray[parentIndex]; int childIndex = 2 * parentIndex + 1; // set correct index for child if (p == null) { throw exception; } else if (!p.rThread){ throw exception;

} else{

Node temp = makeTree(item); temp.right = p.right; temp.rThread

= true;

p.right = childIndex;

p.rThread = false;

treeArray[childIndex] = temp; // place new node at appropriate location in array





The traverse can be easily accomplished using a recursive method. /* Java/pseudocode for in-order traversal of sequential array binary tree */

public void traverse(int index){ if (treeArray[index] != null){ // if index/node is null, do nothing int lc = 2*index; // set left child index int rc = lc+1; //

set right child index traverse(lc); // recursively call traverse() on left child

System.out.println(treeArray[index].data); traverse(rc);

// recursively call traverse() on right child }



This is easily accomplished by using a recursive method to create a Fibonacci subtree at the right and left children/pointers for every order greater than or equal to two. Order one and order zero are base cases in this method.

/* Java/pseudocode for a Fibonacci binary tree */

// Node object used for creating Fibonacci tree class Node{ int data; Node left; Node right;


// method for creating a Fibonacci binary tree of specified order public fibTree(int order){ if (order == 0){ Node temp = new Node(); temp.data = order; temp.left = null; temp.right = null;


else if (order == 1){ Node temp = new Node(); temp.data = order; temp.left = null; temp.right = null;

} else {

Node temp = new Node(); temp.data = order; temp.left = fibTree(order-1); temp.right = fibTree(order-2);



As an example, if fibTree(3) was called, the result would be:


  • A Fibonacci tree does not need to be binary. Any m-ary tree will work. There will be m base cases. For example, here is a ternary Fibonacci tree.
  • The number of leaves is given by the following:

#leavesn = #leavesn1 + #leavesn2


#leavesn = fibonacci(n + 1)

  • The depth of the tree (assuming binary, depth starts at 0) is simply n 1.


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[Solved] Java Homework6-Graphs And Trees