[SOLVED] java代写: CSE105-CW3-RESIT: Java programming project.

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CSE105-CW3-RESIT: Java programming project.

Due date: Monday 01 August 2016 at 17:00 Worth 60% of final mark.

Design and code a To Do List in Java.

This will be a menu based To Do List, using standard input/output. It manages a list of tasks that need to be done. Each task has a priority and a due date.

The details of operation are flexible and left to your imagination. The main functions are:

  • Read a list of tasks from a text file.
  • Display, on screen, a list of all tasks.
  • Display, on screen, a list of all tasks ordered by priority and due today.
  • Add an item to the list.
  • Remove an item from the list.
  • Alter the priority or due date of a task.
  • Save all tasks to a text file.

    Note, the storage in the text file must be true object persistence. Objects will be read from the file at the program commencement and stored prior to program termination. All operations on objects (tasks) must be done in memory.

    It is expected that you will have:

  • At least one Java class to control the operation of the To Do List.
  • At least one Java class to store data as objects.

    Use a package name of CSE105 for java classes.

    CSE105-CW3-RESIT: Java programming project 1

You will submit:
1. A report in the form of one Word document containing:

  1. SystemAnalysis.Therequirementsanalysispresentedasaclassdiagramshowing the class, main attributes, behaviour, and association between classes.
  2. System Design. The detailed design of each class showing attributes and methods.
  3. Testing. Show the test cases needed to test the system. Show the actual test

    results obtained by running the system.

2. Implementation(coding):

a. 1 file for each class (ie. .java files) b. 1textfilecontainingthedata.

You must pack all of your files with WinRAR, using your student ID as the file name and then upload one rar file to ICE. Each student should also submit a hardcopy of the assignment. The content must be identical to the electronic version.

Note, the project must contain English characters only – no Chinese.

This assignment is individual work. Plagiarism (e.g. copying materials from other sources without proper acknowledgement) is a serious academic offence. Plagiarism will not be tolerated and will be dealt with in accordance with the University Code of Practice on Assessment.

CSE105-CW3-RESIT: Java programming project 2

Marking scheme for CW3 project.

Assessment criteria


A UML class diagram is used to show each class from the analysis activity. Class names, main attributes, and behaviour are shown. Association between classes is shown.


A design document is provided. The overall design of the classes and methods within are properly presented. The design matches the analysis. OO principles are observed including encapsulation and appropriate use of static and object methods. Sufficient detail is shown to enable implementation.


Test cases. Test cases match the requirements analysis.


Test results are properly presented.


There are clear and adequate comments in the code. Typically one line of comment to describe each method. Not needed for getters and setters of data classes.


Core functions work. 5 functions x 6 marks.


Data storage in text file. Data retrieval, data storage.


Menu navigation. It is possible to navigate all functions and also exit.


T otal


Deduct 5 marks for each of the following:

  • Compiler errors
  • The use of break or continue (except break within switch).
  • Identifier naming not conforming to commonly accepted Java programming conventions.

CSE105-CW3-RESIT: Java programming project 3


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[SOLVED] java代写: CSE105-CW3-RESIT: Java programming project.
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