[SOLVED] IT代写 CS 563 Concurrent Programming

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CS 563 Concurrent Programming
Lecture 13: Barriers

Barrier Synchronization

Copyright By PowCoder代写加微信 assignmentchef

A BARRIER is a point that all processes must reach before any proceed
very common in iterative parallelism Example:
“co inside while” style of parallelism while () {
co … oc # “oc” is
# essentially a barrier

Counter Barrier – for n processes
int count = 0;
Barrier:< count++ > # record arrival
< await (count==n); > # wait for
increment — use FA or critical section delay loop — use spin loop
# everyone to arrive

Reuse problem — How do we reset count? Contention — single shared counter

Solving the reuse problem
Try counting up then counting down (called reverse sense)
odd barriers: < count++ >
< await(count==n) >
even barriers:< count– >
< await(count==0) >

Solving the reuse problem
Use TWO counters AND reverse their senses
up1, up2, down1, down2, repeat
Why does this work?

Coordinator Barrier
Idea: distribute the single counter above (a time/space tradeoff) Shared variables:
int arrive[1:n] = ([n] 0);
continue[1:n] = ([n] 0);

Coordinator Barrier
The basic signaling scheme is then implemented as follows:
int arrive[1:n] = ([n] 0), continue[1:n] = ([n] 0);
✤ Worker[i]: ✤
process Worker[i = 1 to n] { while (true) {
code to implement task i; arrive[i] = 1;
〈await (continue[i] == 1);〉 …
process Coordinator { while (true) {
for [i = 1 to n] {
〈await (arrive[i] == 1);〉
for [i = 1 to n] continue[i] = 1; }

Coordinator Barrier
What about the reset problem?
solve by clearing flags at the … points above
be sure to follow the Flag Synchronization Principles:
Process waiting for a flag to be set should clear the flag A flag should not be set until it is known that it is clear

Coordinator Barrier
int arrive[1:n] = ([n] 0), continue[1:n] = ([n] 0);
process Worker[i = 1 to n] { while (true) {
code to implement task i; arrive[i] = 1;
〈await (continue[i] == 1);〉 continue[i] = 0;
process Coordinator { while (true) {
for [i = 1 to n] {
〈await (arrive[i] == 1);〉
arrive[i] = 0;
for [i = 1 to n] continue[i] = 1;

Coordinator Barrier
process Worker[i = 1 to n] { while (true) {
code to implement task i; arrive[i] = 1;
〈await (continue[i] == 1);〉 continue[i] = 0;
process Coordinator { while (true) {
for [i = 1 to n] {
〈await (arrive[i] == 1);〉
arrive[i] = 0;
for [i = 1 to n] continue[i] = 1; }
Why 2n flags?
Can we make it work with n flags
What about contention?
What about total time in best case (all workers arrive at once)

Combining Tree Barriers

All processes must arrive before any leave
Flags: one per edge in the “signaling graph”
Different types of barriers so far:
Counter — symmetric, but reset problem and O(n) Coordinator — simple, but asymmetric and O(n)
Tree — O(log n), but asymmetric and harder to program

Two Process Barrier
Basic building block for two processes:
Worker1<–>Worker2 # signal each other
shared vars:
int arrive[n] = ([n] 0);
arrive[i] = 1;
< await(arrive[j]==1); >
arrive[j] = 1;
< await([arrive[i]==1); >
What about reset?

Two Process Barrier
arrive[i] = 1;
< await(arrive[j]==1); >
arrive[j] = 0;
arrive[j] = 1;
< await([arrive[i]==1); >
arrive[i] = 0;

Symmetric Barriers
What about reuse?

arrive[i] = 1;
< await(arrive[j]==1); >
arrive[j] = 0;

arrive[j] = 1;
< await([arrive[i]==1); >
arrive[i] = 0;

Butterfly Barrier
log2n stages of 2 process barriers
idea is to replicate work: each worker “barriers” with log2n others

Butterfly Barrier
Use multiple flags (arrays)
Or better yet, use stage counters:
# barrier code for worker process I
for [s = 1 to num_stages] {
arrive[i] = arrive[i] + 1;
#determine neighbour j for stage s while (arrive[j] < arrive[i]) skip; Butterfly BarrierAny disadvantages? Dissemination BarrierA different way to connect the processesSimpler to program and works for any value of n程序代写 CS代考加微信: assignmentchef QQ: 1823890830 Email: [email protected]


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[SOLVED] IT代写 CS 563 Concurrent Programming
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