Your task is to write assembly code to initialize an array of 50 numbers in memory. Each number of the array should be a multiple of the first number x (where 1 <= x <= 10). For example if x=5, the array should be {5, 10, 15, 20, 25, , 245, 250}. Once the array is initialized, the next task is to search for a number y in the array using Binary Search algorithm. The way Binary Search algorithm works is following: Input: Sorted array of numbers; Number to be searched called y1. Calculate the midpoint index of the array by taking mean of the index of the first and the lastarray elements. The element at mid-point index is called m.
2. If the element at the midpoint index is the desired element, the search stops by returning theindex of the desired element.
3. If m is greater than y ignore the part of the array after m (including m) for further search. If mis less than y ignore the part of the array before m (including m) for further search.
4. In any case, repeat steps 1, 2, and 3 on the remaining elements of the array. Continue till anelement is found or the array indexes to be searched are exhausted.
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