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[SOLVED] IFB217TC Lean Thinking Second Part of Semester 1 AY2024-25 Java


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Second Part of Semester 1, AY2024-25

Lean Thinking

Core Assessment 001: Lean Tool Applications

Weight: 50% of Final (Module) Grade

Assignment Type: Individual Report

Assessment 001 (hereafter referred to as A001) is largely based on the  “Cup Phone  Manufacturing” simulation, referred to as Assessment 002 (A002), which you shall perform in class during the seminar in  week 13. In other words, you are to approach A001 after you have completed A002. For detailed information about the “Cup Phone Manufacturing” simulation, please refer to the Assessment Brief entirely dedicated to  A002. Importantly, A001 is in the form. of an individual report carrying 50% of the final mark for IFB217TC.

Table 1. Core Assessment(s)



Assessment Type (EXAM or CW)2

Learning Outcomes Assessed


% of Final Mark






Lean Tool Applications




A, B

Dec 24, 2024





 Cup Phone Manufacturing – Continuous Improvement Report

Background/ Setting. Having already completed the in-class simulation titled “Cup Phone Manufacturing”, you,  as   part  of  Bell  Phones’    quality  control  team,  are  to  analyse  the  efficiency  of  your  company’s manufacturing system by applying the Lean Thinking philosophy.

Your Task. You will first need to watch the video recording of your “Cup Phone Manufacturing” simulation, which will take place during the Seminar Class in week 13. The video recording of your simulation will be made available via BOX shortly after you have completed the in-class simulation. Having watched the video recording, you need to answer the following questions:

Q1. Based on the video recording of your simulation, which of the Seven Wastes (as identified by Taiichi Ohno) + 1 (talent) are most applicable to your production system for manufacturing cup phones? (*make sure to backup your answer with ample evidence)

(50 points) (400-500 words)

Q2. What areas of your  production system  (for  manufacturing  cup  phones)  failed  during the  in-class simulation? Were these failures due to the design of the production system, human mistakes during the actual simulation, or both? Were there any other things you and teammates failed to consider?

(*make sure that you backup your answer with ample evidence)

(50 points) (400-500 words)

*In answering Q1 and Q2, you should first watch the video recording of your “Cup Phone Manufacturing” simulation.


A001 has the following requirements (which are further elaborated below):

     Length: between 800 and 1,000 words (excluding title page, references, tables, graphs and figures).

     Language: British or American English (*be consistent across the text)

     Main text: Times New Roman 12; space between lines 1.5; footnotes allowed, but make sure to number them consecutively throughout the report.

     Referencing:  all  secondary  information  sources  (both  offline  and  online  ones)  should  be  cited according to the Harvard (Referencing) Style (*see p.3 for further information).

     Similarity Rate: no more than 20% (*excluding the Taicang Cover Page and References).

     AI-generated content: no more than 10% (*including polished content)

     Submission Method: online, PDF or WORD format (*PDF is preferred) via Learning Mall Online. The file name must be as follows: IFB217TC_Individual Report_[student ID].

     Submission Deadline: Dec 24th, 2024, before 18:00 Beijing time.

     Penalty Policy for Late Submissions: XJTLU’s policy for late submissions will be strictly followed.


  COVER PAGE – your Cover Page should be the same as the Taicang Official Cover Page. Make sure, however, that you fill in all pertinent details such as (i) module code and title; (ii) student name and ID; (iii) title of your coursework, (iv) word count, etc. Besides the Taicang Official Cover Page, you are also to include a separate Title Page, which should include the following information: (i) module code and title; (ii) student name and student number; (iii) title of your coursework.

  REPORT STRUCTURE – the report should be logical in structure and adhere to the standard criteria for written business reports. The inclusion of “Introduction” and “Conclusion” sections is not mandatory for this coursework. If you choose to include these sections, they will be counted towards the overall word  count  (see  Submission  Requirements  on  p.4).  Also,  if  you  decide  to  use  sections,  and/  or subsections, make sure to clearly define them. For instance, sections should be numbered 1, 2, etc. Subsections should be numbered 1.1 (then 1.1.1, 1.1.2, …), 1.2, etc. Sections/ subsections should be numbered using Arabic numerals. Also, if you choose to include appendices, place them right after the Reference section. If you have more than one appendix, label them as Appendix A, Appendix B, and so on. Finally, footnotes are allowed but should be numbered consecutively throughout the report. Many word processors (e.g., MS Word) can incorporate footnotes into the text.

  REFERENCES – all secondary sources, such as books, journal articles, and conference papers, used for this  assignment  must  be  properly  cited.  This  coursework  requires  that  you  use  the  Harvard (Referencing) Style. also known as the Harvard Referencing System. While further information regarding the  referencing  requirements will  be given  in class,  please,  make sure to consult the  Internet for additional        details.        For        instance,        you        may        check       the        following        source: https://www.mendeley.com/guides/harvard-citation-guide/.    Importantly,    references    should    be numbered and ordered alphabetically.

  LENGTH – based on the requirements on p.2, the entire document must be between 800 and 1,000 words2(*excluding title page, references, tables, graphs and figures). Importantly, should you decide to include an Introduction and a Conclusion, both sections will be counted towards the allowed word limit. With this in mind, reports above the maximum threshold will be penalised accordingly. For every additional 10-20 words, you will be deducted 1% of the final mark. For instance, if your report stands at 1,050 words, you will be deducted 3% of the final mark.

   VISUAL AIDS & REPORT LENGTH – graphs, figures, and tables will not be counted towards the word limit. However, if regular text is pasted into the file as a picture/ photo with to avoid word count, it will be penalised accordingly.


   WORD COUNT – the report should be between 800 and 1,000 words excluding tables, figures, graphs, and references (*everything else including heading, subheadings, captions, etc. shall count). Reports  below the minimum or above the maximum threshold will be penalised accordingly. For every 10-

20 words less/ more, you will be deducted 1% of the final mark. For instance, if your report stands at 1,050 words, you will be deducted 3% of the final mark.

   VISUAL SOURCES & REPORT LENGTH – graphs, figures, and tables will not be counted towards the word limit. However, if regular text is pasted into the file as a picture/ photo with to avoid word count, it will be penalised accordingly.

    FILE FORMAT – your coursework must be submitted in electronic format. To avoid formatting issues upon  submission,  you  are  advised  to  submit  your  final  work  in  PDF  via  Learning  Mall  Online. Nevertheless, MS WORD files shall also be allowed. Also, prior to submitting your report, make sure that the file name reads as follows: IFB217TC_Individual Report_[student ID].

    DEADLINE  –  the  deadline  for  submitting  is   Dec  24,  2024,  at   18:00  (Beijing  local  time).   Upon submission of the report to LM, you are suggested to download a copy of your submission. Please note that works submitted after the deadline are subject to XJTLU’s policy on late submissions.

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[SOLVED] IFB217TC Lean Thinking Second Part of Semester 1 AY2024-25 Java