IEOR E4525 Machine Learning for OR and FE
Due: November 19 2020
Final Exam
1. Feedforward Networks (25 points)
1.1. (4 pts) Suppose I have a neural network with a single hidden layer with weights W1 ∈ Rk×d, no bias terms, and ReLU activation functions (the input is xi ∈ Rd ). Now suppose I add a second hidden layer after the first one, with no bias terms. Let’s say that W(1)I, W(2)I are the weight matrices in this new network. How can I choose W(1)I, W(2)I such that the network represents the same function as the one-hidden-layer network?
1.2. (4 pts) How many parameters are there in a fully connected feed forward network with l hidden layers, width k , d input features, and we use a linear model to combine the output at the last hidden layer into a single prediction?
1.3. (9 pts) In class we saw that a neural network can learn the XOR function. Prove that a feedforward neural network with a single layer can learn any Boolean function. A Boolean function is a function f : {0, 1}n → {0, 1}. Given such a function f, construct a neural network with a single layer that correctly outputs f.
1.4. Consider a feedforward neural network with linear activation functions: σ(z) = a · z + b, for a, b ∈ R, with a ≠ 0.
1.4.1. (4 pts) Consider a network with a single hidden layer with weight matrix W ∈ Rk×d and ofsets b ∈ Rk . Derive an expression that shows that the output of the neural network is linear in the input x ∈ Rd. This expression should not include the intermediate variables h or z in the hidden layer.
1.4.2. (4 pts) Suppose that the width k of the single hidden layer in the network is much smaller thand, the number of features. Now consider some linear regression βTx+β0 on the original features x. Can this linear regression be expressed using this neural network? If yes, how? If no, why not?
2. SGD (10 points)
2.1. Consider minibatch SGD with a batch size of m. In minibatch SGD we normally sample without replacement. Suppose we run minibatch SGD with replacement. Derive the mean and variance of this estimator.
3. Support Vector Machines (20 points)
3.1. (10 pts) In class we saw that a deep net can implement the XOR function. But so can SVM! Give an SVM that computes the XOR function. For this exercise, you should assume that x ∈ {-1, 1} and the output is in {-1, 1}. Written this way, the XOR dataset is
([-1, -1], -1), ([1, -1], 1), ([-1, 1], 1), ([1, 1], -1)
3.2. (10 pts) In class we saw that the SVM problem for the separable case can be written as
min β0 ,βⅡβⅡ2(2) s.t. yi(β0 + βT xi) ≥ 1, ∀i = 1, . . . , n
In the soft-margin SVM problem, we instead solve the following problem:
minβ0,βλ1 2k
2 +nXi=1max(0, 1 − yi(β0 + β
T xi))
Either prove or give a complete counterexample for the following statement: There exists a single value λ such that for every set of n data points x1 , . . . , xn that are separable, hard SVM and soft SVM return the same solution β, β0
4. PCA and clustering (25 points)
Suppose that we have a clustering problem with each data point xi ∈ Rd. The K-means optimization problem is:
C1,…,CK 1 |Ck|
X i,i0 ∈Ck k
xi − xi
0 k
2 (1)
Suppose we perform PCA to get k < d principal components. Let zi ∈ Rk be the represen- tation of xi in terms of the k principal components. We will compare clustering on xi and zi.
4.1. (4 pts) We use the K-means clustering algorithm covered in class, on the original data points xi. Give an example showing that the K-means algorithm may converge to a local minimum which is not a global minimum (hint: give a one-dimensional example).
4.2. (4 pts) We use the K-means clustering algorithm covered in class, on the PCA represen- tation zi, with K > k. Does the resulting clustering represent a local minimum of the K-means clustering optimization problem given in (1)? Here, you may take local mini- mum to mean that the K-means algorithm would not make any changes to the clustering if allowed to run starting from the computed clustering, but using the xi.
4.3. (12 pts) If your answer to the previous question was yes, argue why. If your answer was no, give a counterexample.
4.4. (5 pts) Suppose that the data matrix X ∈ Rn×d , where each xi is a row, is rank r = k. Does this change your answer to question 4.2.? Why/why not?
5. Matrix Completion (20 points)
5.1. (10 pts) Every matrix M ∈ Rn×m of rank exactly r can be factorized into matrices B ∈ Rn×r , Y ∈ Rr×m such that M = BY. Under the assumption that B must be orthonormal, characterize the set of solutions B and Y to the optimization problem.
Hint: the solution is not unique.
5.2. (10 pts) Consider the alternating minimization algorithm for the matrix completion problem. At iteration t, we saw in class that the update for Y is as follows
t = arg min Y X (i,j) (xij − yi
2 + λk Y k
Derive an exact expression for Yt.
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