[SOLVED] haskell代写: matrix

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matrix addition::

madd ::: Num matrix =>> [[[mmatrix]]]] – > [[[mmatrix]]]] – > [[[mmatrix]]]]

madd a b = zipWith (zzipWith (++)))) a b

matrix multiplication::

mmult ::: Num matrix =>> [[[mmatrix]]]] – > [[[mmatrix]]]] – > [[[mmatrix]]]]

mmult a b = [ [ sum (zzipWith (**)) a1 b1)) | b1 < – (ttranspose b)) ] | a1 < – a ]

To Do::

1.. Randomly create two 10 X 10 matrices..

2.. Create a custom matrix operation based on::

For two matrices A and B,, their respective elements A ij and B ij will be stored in C ij using the formula

C ij = max(( A ij , B ij ) + A ij 2 + B ij 2

3.. The matrix representation and three operations for computing matrices will be modified to add concurrency((ee..gg..,, threads,, parallelism,, etc..))..

4.. Test the running time for do the three operators with concurrency and without concur rency


no shared data

no classes//oobjects

no changing state of scopes external to the present scope

no global variables

Suggested libraries are::




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[SOLVED] haskell代写: matrix
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