[SOLVED] Haskell代写:CSE 5211 Analysis of Algorithms

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Assignments for Students as Individuals
CSE 5211 Analysis of Algorithms

Gaussian Elimination
Gaussian elimination is a method for computing the solution vector ⃗x of a given system of linear equations.

A ⃗x = ⃗b

First, a reduction step transforms the augmented matrix [A|⃗b] into upper-triangular form. Then, a second solving step produces the solution ⃗x by back-substitution.

Let’s get on with the code. 1 Some types and helper functions will be needed. The reduction and solver steps must be constructed. And, a main routine is needed as an entry point. Here is the structure of the code. It is written in noweb style.

1a ⟨Gauss 1a⟩≡
⟨Row, Column, and Matrix Types 1b⟩

⟨IO conversion functions 3d⟩ ⟨The Gaussian reduction step 2a⟩ ⟨The Gaussian solver step 5⟩ ⟨Main module 3c⟩

1 Thanks to Lucky’s Notes for the structure of the code.

Define the Row and Column types to be lists of double precision floating point numbers. Define the RMatrix type to be a list indexed by rows. Define the CMatrix type to be a list indexed by columns.

1b ⟨Row, Column, and Matrix Types 1b⟩≡ type Row = [Double]

type Column = [Double]type RMatrix = [Row]type CMatrix = [Column]

The Reduction Step
The reduction process used in Gaussian elimination transforms a matrix into upper-triangular form. Pictori-

ally, for a small example.

p a

 b


1 · ··|· 1· · ·|· 1···|·

 → ···|·

 

assignments for students as individuals 2

···|· ···|·

0 1 · · |·
0 · ··|· 00 p ·|· 001·|·

0 p · · |·
0 · · · |· 0 0 · · |·

 01··|· 0 0 0 1 |·

  →  → 

· · · |·

To reduce a matrix to upper-triangular form repeat these steps iteratively across all rows of the matrix. For the first row:

1. Assume p, the pivot, is not 0 and normalize the row by scaling it by 1/p.
2. Repeatedly, multiply the normalized row by a, b, c and subtract the result row from second, third, and

fourth rows, respectively.

  1. 2a  ⟨The Gaussian reduction step 2a⟩≡
    gaussianReduce :: RMatrix -> RMatrix
    gaussianReduce matrix = foldl reducerow matrix [0..length matrix-2] where
    reducerow :: RMatrix -> Int -> RMatrixreducerow m r = let

    ⟨Pick the row to reduce by, its pivot, and normalize this pivot row 2b⟩ ⟨Construct a function that reduces other rows 2c⟩
    ⟨Apply the reduction function to rows below the pivot 3a⟩
    ⟨Piece the matrix back together 3b⟩

    • Pick out the r-th row of matrix m, using !!, Haskell’s indexing operator.
    • Pick out the r-th value in the r-th row and call it p, the pivot. To keep things simple, assume these pivot

      elements along the main diagonal never equal 0.

    • Normalize the row by dividing each element in it by the pivot p. The Haskell idiom that does this is to

      map the anonymous function x → x/p across the row. Call the normalized row row’.

  2. 2b  ⟨Pick the row to reduce by, its pivot, and normalize this pivot row 2b⟩≡ row = m !! r
    p = row !! rrow’ = map (x -> x/p) row

Now, to reduce another row, say nrow, by row’ apply the function nr ∗ a − b

(where nr is the r-th element in nrow) to each entry a in row and b in nrow. The Haskell idiom for this is to zip the function with the values in row’

and nrow.

2c ⟨Construct a function that reduces other rows 2c⟩≡
reduceonerow nrow = let nr = nrow !! r in zipWith (a b -> nr*a – b) row’ nrow

Next, map reduceRow across all rows in matrix below the pivot row.

  1. 3a  ⟨Apply the reduction function to rows below the pivot 3a⟩≡

    nextrows = map reduceonerow (drop (r+1) m)
    And finally, piece the results back together: Concatenate the first r rows from m, row row’ and the re-

    duces nextrows.

  2. 3b  ⟨Piece the matrix back together 3b⟩≡
    in take r m ++ [row’] ++ nextrows

    To turn gaussianReduce into a standalone program, a main module, an entry point, must be established. IO can be tricky. The structure of the input must be known, and that must be translated into the structure of the Haskell function the implements the program.

    Let’s agree, for the purpose of these notes, that the program is executed with input redirected from standard input, like so

    ./Gauss < gauss.dat
    Assume the contents of gauss.dat is a string of lines separated by newline characters like so:

    a00 a01 a02 … a0(n−1) b0
    a10 a11 a12 … a1(n−1) b1

    . . . . . .
    an−1,0 an−1,1 an−1,2 . . . an−1,n−1 bn−1

    Let’s agree to use the Haskell idiom raw <- getContents to input all of gauss.dat into one String called raw.

    • The lines function breaks raw up into a list of strings [String], separated at the newline. Call the result rows.

    • Mapping the wordsfunction over rows breaks each string in rows list of Strings. These values need to be converted from String to Double.

  3. 3c  ⟨Main module 3c⟩≡ main :: IO ()
    main = doraw <- getContentslet rows = lines rawlet rows’ = map words rowslet matrix = map stringsToDoubles rows’print $ matrix ++ gaussianReduce matrix
  4. 3d  ⟨IO conversion functions 3d⟩≡
    stringToDouble = read :: String -> Double
    stringsToDoubles :: [String] -> [Double]stringsToDoubles xs = map stringToDouble xs

assignments for students as individuals 3

Test the Reduction Step

The noweb source file Gauss.nw is here.

  • Running notangle Gauss.nw > Gauss.hs generates the Haskell


  • Running noweave -index -delay Gauss.nw > Gauss.tex gener- ates a LATEX file that is included in a wrapper LATEX file, that pro- duces this document.

    You may not have the noweb tools. You can retrieve the Haskell code from a link in the first step of this part of the assignment.

Assignment, Part 1: Com- plete the steps in this section. (25 points)

  1. Download these files at the links: Gauss.hs and Gauss.tex.
  2. Install the Glasgow Haskell Compiler and use its interpreter ghci to load Gauss.hs. Check the reduction

    code is correct on some simple cases, for instance,
    • *Gauss> gaussianReduce [[]] – the empty matrix

    • *Gauss> gaussianReduce [[1]] – a 1 × 1 matrix that needs no normalization • *Gauss> gaussianReduce [[2]] – a 1 × 1 matrix that needs normalization
    • *Gauss> gaussianReduce [[1,2]] – the equation 2x = 1
    • *Gauss> gaussianReduce [[1,2],[2,3]] – an inconsistent system

    • *Gauss> gaussianReduce [[1,-2,1,4],[2,3,-1,5],[3,1,4,7]] – a picked out of the air example

  3. Write code to generate n lists of random Doubles of length n + 1 that represents a linear system Ax = b,

    where A is an n×n matrix and b is an n×1 vector.

  4. Run your data generation code to generate several data files of varying sizes n × n + 1.
  5. Compile the Haskell source Gauss.hs with ghc profiling options, see the ghc User’s Guide on Profiling for instructions on this.
  6. Execute Gauss on your data files, and collect running times.
  7. Plot the running times. Find a curve that approximates the data. The R2 value for the approximation

should be close to 1.

Analyze the reduction step

A big-O time complexity can be computed for each function in the code. For instance, the anonymous function (a b -> nr*a – b) has time complexity O(1). The time cost to map it over a list of length
n + 1 is O(n).

Assignment, Part 2: Perform a mathematical analysis of the reduction algorithm. (25 points)

assignments for students as individuals 4

What are the big-O time complexities for the functions below. Explain your reasoning for each function. In particular, identify the size and type for the input and output of each function.

• stringsToDoubles
• map stringsToDoubles

• reduceonerow

• reduceRow

• take r m ++ [row’] ++ nextrows

• gaussianReduce

Does the empirical run time data from experiments in you performed when testing gaussianReduce agree with the analytic analysis?

The Gaussian Solver

The solving step in Gaussian elimination uses back substitution to solve for the values in ⃗x in order xn−1, xn−2, . . . , x0. Write Haskell code that implements the solver step.

5 ⟨The Gaussian solver step 5⟩≡
– gaussianSolve :: RMatrix -> [Double] – Your code goes here

Test the Solver Step

Assignment, Part 3: Com- plete the Gaussian elimi- nation algorithm by imple- menting the solver step. (25 points)

Test your gaussianSolve code following steps similar to those outlined in testing gaussianReduce. Analyze the solver step

assignments for students as individuals 5

1. What is the big-O time complexity of your gaussianSolve code?
2. Write a function that tests the accuracy of the computed solution ⃗x′.

Assignment, Part 4: Perform empirical and mathematical analyses of the solver algo- rithm. (25 points)

  1. (a)  Use the L∞ norm to measure and report solution accuracy.
    ∥b′−b∥∞ =maxb0′ −b0,b1′ −b1,…,bn′−1−bn−1

    where b′ = A⃗x′.

  2. (b)  Hilbert matrices Hn are famous examples of ill-conditioned matrices. Informally, this means solving

    Hn⃗x = b accurately is difficult. The Hilbert H5 is

1 1 1 1 1 2345

1 1 1 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 11111

H5=3 4 5 6 7 1 1 1 1 1 4 5 6 7 8

In general, the value in row i, column j is (Hn)ij =

Test your code on Hilbert matrices.

11111 56789

1 , i, j = 0, . . . , n − 1 i+j+1

Jones, S. P., editor (2002). Haskell 98 Language and Libraries: The Revised Report. http://haskell.org/.

Lipovaca, M. (2011). Learn You a Haskell for Great Good!: A Beginner’s Guide. No Starch Press, San Francisco, CA, USA, 1st edition.

The GHC Team (2014). The Glorious Glasgow Haskell Compilation System User’s Guide.

assignments for students as individuals 6


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[SOLVED] Haskell代写:CSE 5211 Analysis of Algorithms
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