[SOLVED] Go语言代写: CMPT 383 Assignment 1: Practice with Go

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Assignment 1: Practice with Go
The following questions are meant as practice for learning some of the basic features of Go. Write all your solution code in a package named a1 (i.e. the first line of your Go program files should be package a1).

Each question will be marked as follows:

1 mark for correctness of the function

1 mark for writing a Go-style test function that will run when the command “go test” is called and automatically run test cases on the function to help verify its correctness.

Also, to get this mark, we want to see that you use Go features in appropriate way, and have not done something extremely inefficient, or that is bad in some significant way.

The marker will run your code by typing go test at the command line, so please be sure your program works correctly.

Your test functions must be completely automated, i.e. no human intervention should be needed to check that the output is correct. Use if- statements to ensure that your functions are returning the correct results.

You may import any standard Go packages you need in this program. Write all other code yourself: don’t use any packages or code from outside of the Go standard library. Please clearly cite the source of any ideas you used in this work.

Please submit your final files on Canvas in a zip folder called a1.zip. You will need at least two Go files: one for the functions, and one for the testing code that will be run when “go test” is called.

Hint: Begin by learning how to use “go test”, and write the test functions as you go.

(2 marks) Implement a function called countPrimes(n) that returns the number of primes less than, or equal to, the int n. For example, countPrimes(5) should return 3, countPrimes(10000) should return 1229, and countPrimes(-6) should return 0.

(2 marks) Implement a function called countStrings(filename) that reads the contents of the file named filename, and returns a map[string]int whose keys are all the different strings in the file, and the corresponding values are the number of times the key occurs in the file.

For example, suppose you have this text file named sample.txt:

The big big dog
ate the big apple
Then countStrings(“sample.txt”) should return this map[string]int:

{“The”:1, “the”:1, “big”:3, “dog”:1, “ate”:1, “apple”:1}
Note that case matters: strings like the and The, which differ only in the case of some letters, are considered different strings.

(2 marks) Here’s a simple way to represent a moment in time:

type Time24 struct {
hour, minute, second uint8
// 0 <= hour < 24// 0 <= minute < 60// 0 <= second < 60Implement the following functions and methods:The function equalsTime24(a, b) returns true if a and b are exactly the same time, and false otherwise.The function lessThanTime24(a, b) returns true, if time a comes strictly before b, and false otherwise.The method (not a function!) t.String() that converts a t to human-readable string. It has this signature:func (t Time24) String() string {// …}The returned string should have the form “hh:mm:ss”. For example:t := Time24{hour: 5, minute: 39, second: 8}fmt.Println(t)// “05:39:08″Notice that each number is written as 2-digits, possibly with a leading 0. Thus the returned string will always be the same length.Also, notice that you don’t need to call t.String() inside fmt.Println. That’s because the signature for String implements the fmt.Stringer interface, and functions like fmt.Print know to call String() on objects that implement it.The method (not a function!) t.validTime24() returns true if t is a valid Time24 object (i.e. it meets the constraints listed in the comments below the struct), and false otherwise.The function minTime24, which returns the smallest time in a slice of Time24 objects. It has this signature:func minTime24(times []Time24) (Time24, error)If times is empty, then Time24{0, 0, 0} is returned, along with an error object with a helpful message.If times has one, or more, items, then the smallest time is returned, and the error is nil.(2 marks) Write a function called linearSearch(x, lst) that uses linear search to return the first index location of x in the slice lst. It must work with (at least) both strings and ints as in these examples:linearSearch(5, []int{4, 2, -1, 5, 0}) returns 3linearSearch(3, []int{4, 2, -1, 5, 0}) returns -1 (because 3 is not in the slice)linearSearch(“egg”, []string{“cat”, “nose”, “egg”}) returns 2linearSearch(“up”, []string{“cat”, “nose”, “egg”}) returns -1You can use helper functions, but you must have only one function named linearSearch. If the type of x is not the same as the type of the elements in lst, then linearSearch should call panic with a helpful message.(2 marks) Implement a function the returns all the bit sequences of length n. It should have this signature:func allBitSeqs(n int) [][]intFor example:allBitSeqs(1) returns [[0] [1]].allBitSeqs(2) returns [[0 0] [0 1] [1 0] [1 1]].allBitSeqs(3) returns [[0 0 0] [0 0 1] [0 1 0] [0 1 1] [1 0 0] [1 0 1] [1 1 0] [1 1 1]].The exact order of the slices in the returned [][]int doesn’t matter. So, for example, allBitSeqs(2) could instead return [[1 1] [1 0] [0 0] [0 1]].If n <= 0, then return an empty [][]int.Of course, for large values of n it allBitSeqs will take too much time and memory to actually run. Nonetheless, the method you use to calculate the bit sequences should work with any int greater than 0, if given enough time and memory.Here’s the definition of a bit sequence:func isBitSeq(seq []int) bool {for _, b := range seq {if !(b == 0 || b == 1) {return false}}return true}You don’t necessarily need to use this function in your implementation of allBitSeqs. It’s just a way to define what is meant by a bit sequence for this question.


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[SOLVED] Go语言代写: CMPT 383 Assignment 1: Practice with Go
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