[SOLVED] go语言代写: Project 0: Implementing a key-value messaging system

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Project 0: Implementing a key-value messaging system

Due Wednesday, September 20th, 2017

The goal of this assignment is to get up to speed on the Go programming language and to help remind you about the basics of socket programming that you learned in 15-213. In this assignment you will implement a key-value database server in Go, with a slight twist to it: The values are lists of messages which can be retrieved with a get() query and added to with a put() query. You can think of this as the basis for extremely simple online messaging system where every client is allowed to read every other client’s messages.

Server Characteristics

We have provided starter code for the key-value server which provide these basic operations:

  1. init db() – This function creates an empty database.
  2. put(K string, V []byte) – This function inserts a value onto the end of the message list (actually a slice) associated with the key K. Note that the slice can contain any number of values at one time.
  3. get(K string) []byte – This function returns the slice of all values associated with key K.

You can assume that all keys and values are of the form [a-z][a-z0-9 ]*. Requirements

This project is intentionally open-ended and there are many possible solutions. That said, your implementation must meet the following requirements:

  1. The server must manage and interact with its clients concurrently using Goroutines and channels. Multiple clients should be able to connect/disconnect to the server simultaneously.
  2. When a client wants to put a value into the server, it sends the following request string: put,key,value When a client wants to get a value from the server, it sends the following request string: get,key These are the only possible messages from the client. You will be responsible for parsing the request string and selecting the appropriate operation.


15-440 Project 0

  1. When the server reads a get() request message from a client, it should respond with the following string: key,value to the client that sent the message. It should send this string once for every value associated with the given key. No response should be sent for a put() request.
  2. Every message that is sent or received should be terminated by the newline (
    ) character.
  3. The server should not assume that the key-value API functions listed above are thread-safe. You will be responsible for ensuring that there are no race conditions while accessing the database.
  4. Your server can assume that clients will never do a get() request for keys that aren’t already stored on the server.
  5. The server must implement a Count() function that returns the number of clients that are currently connected to it.
  6. The server must be responsive to slow-reading clients. To better understand what this means, consider a scenario in which a client does not call Read for an extended period of time. If during this time the server continues to write messages to the client’s TCP connection, eventually the TCP connections output bu↵er will reach maximum capacity and subsequent calls to Write made by the server will block. To handle these cases, your server should keep a queue of at most 500 outgoing messages to be written to the client at a later time. Messages sent to a slow-reading client whose outgoing message bu↵er has reached the maximum capacity of 500 should simply be dropped. If the slow-reading client starts reading again in the future, the server should ensure that any bu↵ered messages in its queue are written back to the client (hint: use a bu↵ered channel to implement this properly).
  7. All work is to be done individually. You may not hand in any code that you have not written yourself and that we have not provided you.
  8. Your code may not use locks and mutexes. All synchronization must be done using goroutines, channels, and Go’s channel-based select statement (not to be confused with the low-level socket select that you might use in C, which is also not allowed).
  9. You may only use the following packages: bufio, fmt, net, and strconv.
  10. You must format your code using go fmt and must follow Go’s standard naming

    conventions. See the Formatting and Names sections of E↵ective Go for details.

We don’t expect your solutions to be overly-complicated. As a reference, our sample

solution is a little over 200 lines including sparse comments and whitespace. We do, 2

15-440 Project 0

however, highly recommend that you familiarize yourself with Go’s concurrency model before beginning the assignment. For additional resources, check out the course lecture notes and the Go-related posts on Piazza.


The starter code for this project is hosted as a read-only repository on GitHub (you can view the repository online here). To clone a copy, execute the following Git command:

git clone https://github.com/cmu-440-f17/p0.git
The starter code consists of three source files located in the src/github.com/cmu440-f17/p0


  1. server_impl.go is the only file you should modify, and is where you will add your code as you implement your multi-client echo server.
  2. kv_impl.go contains the key-value API that you’ll be using to perform operations on your database. These 4 functions should be directly used in server_impl.go as you implement your server.
  3. server_api.go contains the interface and documentation for the key value server you will be implementing in this project. You should not modify this file.
  4. server_test.go contains the tests that we will run to grade your submission.

For instructions on how to build, run, test, and submit your server implemen-

tation, see the README.md file in the project’s root directory. Structure

Finding the right logical structure for your code is an important aspect concurrent program- ming. Although you are free to use whatever structure you like, you may find something like the following one easiest:


15-440 Project 0

Here the boxes represent routines, and the arrows are a rough representation of dependence. Note that not all channels that you will need are shown.


1. You can earn up to 15 points on this project.

  1. (a)  Basic tests – 6 points
  2. (b)  Count tests – 2 points
  3. (c)  Slow client tests – 2 points
  4. (d)  Go formatting – 1 point
  5. (e)  Manual grading – 4 points
    You can obtain full points from this if you satisfy these conditions:
    1. Your submission does not use mutexes of any form
    2. Your submission only uses the permitted packages
    3. Your submission has good coding style that adheres to the Formatting and Naming conventions of Go.


15-440 Project 0

  1. You are allowed a maximum of 20 submissions on Autolab. We will only consider

    the final submission for grading.

  2. There will be no hidden test cases in this Project. However, you can expect them in

    future projects.

  3. There will be no late days. If you submit late, you will lose 10% of the total grade for each day late you submit it. No submissions will be accepted after September 23rd.



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[SOLVED] go语言代写: Project 0: Implementing a key-value messaging system
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