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[SOLVED] GFQR 1027 Data Analytics Skills for Your Future Workplace First Semester 2024-25R


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Department of Computer Science

First Semester 2024-25

GFQR 1027 Data Analytics Skills for Your Future Workplace

Group Project Handbook


The course group project is part of the course requirements, which carries 40% weight of the overall course assessment. The main purpose of it is to identify and collect data according to the data requirements, walk through the data analytics process to produce data products in order to support sound reasoning in the proposed solution for the chosen daily life problem.

Each group must be composed of NO MORE THAN 5 students in your own section and a group number will be assigned by your instructor. Each group is required to pick a project topic and demonstrate how to integrate the concepts and skills that you have learned in the course.

The following tasks will be carried out in the group project:

1. Problems Definition, Needs Identification, Solutions Proposal

2. Data Collection

3. Data Cleaning and Processing

4. Data Modeling and Analysis

5. Data Visualization and Communication


1. Group Project (30%):

Survey & Result Links           Assess the proficiency in Data Collection

Excel files                           Assess the proficiency in Data Cleaning, Processing, Modeling and Visualization

Report file                           Assess the proficiency in Data Analysis and Communication

Presentation Material            Assess the proficiency in Data Communication

2. Presentation and Individual Assessments (10%):

An oral presentation will be scheduled in the last tutorial. Your group is required to present your project to the class, and it is mandatory to include a reflection at the end of your presentation. Besides, your individual performance will be assessed not only based on the oral presentation but also on your contribution to the project. You need to clearly indicate your role and responsibilities within your project report.


Group Project deadline: 5:00 p.m. Nov. 15, 2024 (Fri.)

Presentation Material deadline: Before the Oral Presentation class begins

Group Project (30%):

Excel files

There are TWO Excel files to be submitted: Online Data Sources and Online Survey Results.

1. Online Data Sources

Create an Excel file (with file name gpXX-onlineData.xlsx, where XX is your group number) to consolidate the data you collected from different Online Data Sources in a single Excel file. Your Excel file should include:

• all online data sources used in the report must be shown in this Excel file.

• the minimum requirement requires at least 4 different online data sources, and their visualization by using charts or infographics. (at least 3 required for groups of four or less)

Note: citations should be clearly stated under each source, and need to be in correct APA citation style.

2. Online Survey Results

Create an Excel file (with file name gpXX-surveyData.xlsx, where XX is your group number) for processing the data you collected from the Online Survey. This Excel file should include:

• a raw data worksheet shows the online survey results downloaded from QuestionPro.com.

• at least 4 different findings from survey results, and their v isualization by using charts or infographics. (at least 3 required for groups of four or less)

For Online Data Sources and Online Survey Results, use at least 4 different data analytics methods to process the data, such as:

• Descriptive Analytics


• Predictive Analytics

e.g. Moving Average, Exponential Smoothing, Solver, TREND(), LINEST(), Forecast Sheet, etc.

Survey & Result Links

Create an Online Survey to collect people’s opinions using the QuestionPro system provided by the BUniPort. You should publish your group survey to get the Survey link and the public Report link, and submit them to the BU Moodle.

Note: Please keep your Online survey “Activate” until the end of December.~ P. 3 ~

Report File

Create a tidy and professional report of not less than 2400 words for your chosen topic in MS Word format (with file name gpXX-report.docx, where XX is your group number). The report file should contain at least the following content: (not less than 2000 words required for groups of four or less)

1. Cover Page

• Include Project Title, Course Code, Section Number, Group Number, Member Names and Student ID. No.

2. Table of Contents

3. Project Content

• Describe your project Background, Current Situation & Needs, Solutions, etc.

• Use charts or infographics to support your reasoning in the project

Note: Data used in the report MUST be shown in the Excel files, and the data sources should be clearly quoted using cross-reference in the “References” section.

• Refer to tutorial materials and sample report for more details.

4. References

• Citation of Content, Data Sources and Images

Note: You must follow a proper reference style. (i.e. APA) – see the link https://hkbu.libguides.com/citation/apa for more information

5. Appendix

• At least include the Role Arrangement to specify each student’s responsibilities

Note: To enhance information communication, you may utilize table, SmartArt and/or relevant pictures to enrich the content of your report.

What to Submit:

Submit the softcopies of the following files to the BU Moodle http://buelearning.hkbu.edu.hk

1. TWO Excel files [in MS Excel 2019 / latest MS 365 format] as described in page 2.

2. Survey link and public Report link from QuestionPro as described in page 2.

3. A Report file [in MS Word 2019 / latest MS 365 format] as described in page 3.

Presentation and Individual Assessments (10%)

Oral Presentation

Each group have 12 to 15 minutes presentation. Each group member should take turns during the presentation. Due to time constraints, each group needs to finish on time, otherwise marks will be deducted if you are overrun. (10 to 12 minutes presentation for groups of four or less)

You can use Infographics/PowerPoint slides as your group presentation material. You need to submit the group presentation material to the “Submission of Presentation material” in BU Moodle before the presentation.

Presentation Material

Each group needs to submit their Presentation Material to BU Moodle. It can be in the form. of MS PowerPoint gpXX-presentation.pptx or an Infographic linked to visme.co or piktochart.com. If each member has its own link, please clearly indicate the student ID No. on Moodle submission box.

Your presentation should include the following content:

• Project Background

• Current Situation & Needs

• Solutions

• Conclusion

• Reflection

About Reflection: This reflection provides an opportunity for your group to assess and reflect on your experience working as a team, discussing the challenges faced and lessons learned.

Individual Assessments

Your individual performance will be assessed not only based on the oral presentation but also on your contribution to the project. It is important for your group to clearly indicate each member’s role and responsibilities in the Appendix section of your project report.


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[SOLVED] GFQR 1027 Data Analytics Skills for Your Future Workplace First Semester 2024-25R