2024/5, Term 2
Our main purpose in GEOS 401 is to investigate the energetic processes that create “urban” climates, and to consider the implications of these climates on society. This is vitally important because much of humanity resides in cities. As such, we will examine the form. and function of cities and their impacts on the surface energy and water balances, and the urban carbon budget. This will provide the scientific basis for us to explore and understand the urban climate and its temperature, airflow, moisture, radiation, and precipitation regimes. A secondary purpose of this course is to investigate the more practical concerns of the urban climate on human health, city planning, urban design, and global warming.
Our approach to GEOS 401 is scientific in nature and will cover the theories, concepts, frameworks, methodologies, debates, and pioneering works of urban meteorology. We will engage our minds to examine—and, more importantly, challenge—the sources of knowledge in the field, from both historical and modern perspectives. Throughout the course, I will use (and we will discuss) examples of urban climate studies from around the world, with the goal to make your learning experience more inclusive of different contexts, and more relevant to your everyday life, your projected career path, and your program of study.
As an upper-year meteorology course, GEOS 401 has the following pre-requisite: one of GEOS/GEOB 200 (Atmospheric Environments), GEOS/GEOB 204 (Biometeorology), or GEOS/GEOB 300 (Microscale Weather and Climate). This is a necessary requirement because principles from 200/204/300 are applied to the special environment (i.e., urban) that we study in 401. Please be sure you have completed at least one of the pre-requisite courses. If you have not and are enrolled in a Geography program, contact the undergraduate advisor ([email protected]) who can assist you with finding a replacement for GEOS 401.
We will be reading chapters from the course textbook, Urban Climates, as well as occasional articles from the research literature and news media. You are expected to come to class having read these materials. Class lectures will operate on a synchronous (online) format, with ample time for questions, discussions, and self-assessments. If you are unable to attend a lecture, you should seek other means to stay informed of the content covered. I will post the lecture slides (as PDF documents) to the Canvas course website prior to each lecture. I encourage you to print or download the slides to your computer for your own reference. You can then annotate the slides during the lectures, based on my commentary and that of your classmates.
By the end of this course, you will be able to:
1. Estimate surface canopy parameters for classifying the local climates zones inside cities
2. Explain the energetic processes—surface and atmospheric—that generate “urban” climates
3. Apply WMO siting-criteria to meteorological sensors in the urban surface-layer atmosphere
4. Recognize the common pitfalls of urban climate mitigation and adaptation strategies & policies
5. Judge the scientific rigour and quality of published literature in urban meteorology/climatology
Your success with the learning outcomes(and the graded assessment of those outcomes) is directly linked to your level of participation in the course. You are therefore expected to attend all lectures, take careful notes, and participate in questions and discussions.
Labs and quizzes are associated with learning outcomes # 1‒3, and are intended to strengthen your understanding of the concepts, frameworks, guidelines, and datasets used in urban meteorology and climatology.
Exams are associated with learning outcomes # 1‒4. The midterm consists of multiple-choice questions and short answers, and covers all materials from lectures 1 through 10 (see course schedule). The final exam will take place during the UBC Exam Period (April 12–27), and will cover all materials from lectures 11 through 23. It is your responsibility to be available for the exam at the time/date set by UBC Scheduling Services.
The critique report is associated with learning outcome # 5 and is intended to sharpen your critical thinking skills. You will choose from the published literature an article that describes an “urban” effect on climate (e.g., temperature, radiation, precipitation), and then carefully contemplate the methods, results, and implications of that work. In a well-structured report, you will summarise the article and evaluate its strengths and weaknesses based on what you have learned in GEOS 401.
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