FN3142 Quantitative Finance
Summer 2021
Question 1
Denote the price process of Bitcoin by P , and consider (T + 1) consecutive end-of-year price observations denoted by P0 , P1, …, PT . Denote the simple net return series by and the logarithmic return series by rt ≡ log Pt – log Pt-1 for t = 1, …, T. Assume that returns are independently and identically distributed over time.
(a) [15 marks] Under the assumption that Bitcoin’s annual logarithmic returns are normally distributed with a mean of μ and a variance of σ 2 , derive a formula for the diference between the log expected simple gross return and the expected log return:
log (E [1 + Rt]) – E [rt]
(b) Consider the standard average estimator of the mean rate of return. Show that this estimator is unbiased in the sense that E[μ-] = μ, and derive its standard deviation, σ[μ-], as a function of the model parameters.
(c) [15 marks] Assume instead that you observe Bitcoin prices more frequently, in particular N times per year (at equal distance from each other) for T years; for example, monthly ob- servations would mean N = 12. Consider now the simple average estimator of the annualised log return μ based on these N × T return observations, and let us denote it by ˜(μ) . Show that the standard deviation of this estimator, σ[˜(μ)], does not depend on the frequency N.
(d) [20 marks] Suppose that a researcher tells you that for a given choice of N and T she estimated the annualised mean Bitcoin return to be ˜(μ) = 10%. Suppose also that the annualised volatility of Bitcoin log returns is known to be σ = 45%. What choice of T would imply that her estimate has a standard deviation of σ[˜(μ)] = 1%, i.e., one-tenth the size of the mean estimate? Discuss whether it is possible to have confidence in the rate of return of Bitcoin with reasonable accuracy given the available historical data.
Let us now assume that annual log Bitcoin returns have a non-zero autocorrelation at lag 1 denoted by parameter ρ, but beyond lag 1 there is zero autocorrelation.
(e) [15 marks] Derive E[μ] and σ[μ-] under this assumption, where μ refers to the estimator in part (b).
(f) [15 marks] Discuss how a non-zero ρ afects your conclusion for part (d).
Consider the following AR(2) process:
zt = Q0 + Q1 zt-1 + Q2 zt-2 + εt , (1)
where εt isa zero-mean white noise process with variance σ2 , and assume j Q1 j , j Q2 j , j Q1 +Q2 j < 1, which together ensure zt is covariance stationary.
(a) [15 marks] Calculate the conditional and unconditional means of zt , that is, Et-1 [zt] and E [zt].
(b) [15 marks] Let us now set Q2 = 0. Calculate the conditional and unconditional variances of zt , that is, V art-1 [zt] and Var [zt].
(c) [20 marks] Keeping Q2 = 0, derive the autocovariance and autocorrelation functions of this process for all lags as functions of the parameters Q1 and σ .
Suppose now that Q2 ≠ 0, and let us denote the autocovariance at lag k by √k = Cov[zt , zt-k ].
(d) [15 marks] Using equation (1), write down a recursive formula for √k , i.e., express √k as a function of √k -1 , √k -2 and the model parameters.
(e) [20 marks] Apply this recursive formula for k = 1 and k = 0, and explain how to solve for the whole autocovariance function {√k }k≥0 . Note: No need to derive the exact values!
Hint: think about what √-1 and √-2 mean?
(f) [15 marks] Can a linear transformation of the zt process be represented by an AR(1) process? That is, do appropriate h, δ0 , and δ1 constants exist such that the process defined as yt = zt + hzt-1 satisfies
yt = δ0 + δ1yt-1 + Et ,
where Et is a zero-mean white noise process? Explain.
Question 3
Consider two unbiased forecasts f1,t and f2,t of the mean-zero quantity yt+h. Denote the indi-vidual errors by ei,t+h yt+h -fi,t , i = 1, 2, the mean-square forecast errors by σi(2) E[ei(2),t+h] for i = 1, 2, and the correlation between the individual errors by ρ corr[e1,t+h, e2,t+h].
Consider the linear forecast combination
fc,t ≡ λf1,t + (1 – λ)f2,t where λ ∈ [0, 1],
and denote the error associated with the combination by ec,t+h yt+h – fc,t.
(a) [20 marks] Compute the mean forecast error, E[ec,t+h], and the mean-squared forecast error, E[ec(2),t+h], of the combination forecast.
(b) [20 marks] By minimising the mean-square-error loss of the combination show that the optimal weights are functions of the accuracy of each prediction and the correlation parameter, and given by
(c) [20 marks] Assuming the forecasts are equally accurate, i.e., σ 1 = σ2 = σ, derive the optimal weights and the mean-squared forecast error of the combined forecast.
(d) [20 marks] Compute the range of the correlation parameter ρ for which the optimal combined forecast displays diversification benefits, that is, its mean-squared forecast error, E[ec(2),t+h], is lower than the mean-squared errors of the original forecasts, σ 1(2) and σ2(2). Explain your results.
(e) [20 marks] Imagine that you have generated a forecast with the optimal weights calculated above, but then it turns out that the projection has poor performance in the sense of having a low R2 in a regression of the forecasted variable on a constant and the forecast. What would be the properties of a data-generating process that would lead to such a result?
Question 4
Assume that daily returns are conditionally normally distributed and given by
rt+1 = μ + σt+1vt+1 , vt+1 i~.i.d N (0, 1),
where the time increment between t and t + 1 is one day, μ is constant, and σt+1 denotes an estimate as of time t for the conditional standard deviation one day ahead.
(a) [20 marks] The 1-day Value-at-Risk at the critical level Q, is defined as
Show that the exact formula for VaR at the Q critical level and 1-day horizon is given by
where Φ is the standard normal cumulative density function.
Note: The definition in equation (3) follows the notation of the subject guide. Using an alternative definition based on losses leads to a diferent VaR formula, which is also accepted if correct.
(b) [30 marks] Describe the historical simulation, the RiskMetrics (also known as exponen- tially weighted moving average), and the GARCH normal approaches to measuring Value- at-Risk in your own words. Discuss their benefits and shortcomings.
(c) [25 marks] The expected shortfall ESt
+1 at the critical level α and 1-day horizon can be defined as
Using the VaR formula from part (a), derive the following formula for the 1-day expected shortfall at critical level Q:
where ϕ is the standard normal probability density function.
Hint: If z follows a standard normal distribution, z ~ N (0, 1), we have
(d) [25 marks] Discuss the benefits and shortcomings of using expected shortfall as a risk measure instead of Value-at-Risk.
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