[Solved] FIN5330 Homework 1


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Consider the daily stock returns of American Express (AXP), Caterpillar (CAT), and Starbucks (SBUX) from January 1999 to December 2008. The data are daily prices in the file stock-datahwk1.txt.

  • (a) Calculate simple returns for the three series.
0 18542 19990104 CAT 47.3750 -0.000822 0.011409
1 18542 19990105 CAT 47.2500 0.011879 0.009512
2 18542 19990106 CAT 48.5000 0.021143 0.014866
3 18542 19990107 CAT 48.9375 -0.000798 0.003560
4 18542 19990108 CAT 51.0000 0.004602 0.009410
  • (b) Express the simple returns in percentages. Compute the sample mean, standard deviation, skewness, excess kurtosis, minimum, and maximum of the percentage simple returns.
  • (c) Transform the simple returns to log returns.
  • (d) Express the log returns in percentages. Compute the sample mean, standard deviation, skewness, excess kurtosis, minimum, and maximum of the percentage log returns.
  • (e) Test the null hypothesis that the mean of the log returns of each stock is zero. That is, perform three separate tests. Use 5% significance level to draw your conclusion.
  • (f) Plot histograms for each of the three series (both simple and log returns so six graphs


  • (g) Test the null hypothesis that the lag-2 autocorrelation is zero for log returns.

Here is some code to extract the price time series from the raw data in Python:

2515 59176 19990104 AXP 101.5000 -0.000822 0.011409
2516 59176 19990105 AXP 99.5625 0.011879 0.009512
2517 59176 19990106 AXP 103.6250 0.021143 0.014866
2518 59176 19990107 AXP 104.8750 -0.000798 0.003560
2519 59176 19990108 AXP 108.0625 0.004602 0.009410

[7]: PERMNO date TICKER PRC vwretd ewretd

5025 59176 20081224 AXP 17.97 0.004514 0.005042
5026 59176 20081226 AXP 17.91 0.007191 0.011107
5027 59176 20081229 AXP 17.70 -0.004365 -0.015163
5028 59176 20081230 AXP 18.00 0.024764 0.021418
5029 59176 20081231 AXP 18.55 0.017404 0.034456
2510 18542 20081224 CAT 41.91 0.004514 0.005042
2511 18542 20081226 CAT 42.72 0.007191 0.011107
2512 18542 20081229 CAT 42.34 -0.004365 -0.015163
2513 18542 20081230 CAT 43.66 0.024764 0.021418
2514 18542 20081231 CAT 44.67 0.017404 0.034456

[6]: PERMNO date TICKER PRC vwretd ewretd

0 18542 19990104 CAT 47.3750 -0.000822 0.011409
1 18542 19990105 CAT 47.2500 0.011879 0.009512
2 18542 19990106 CAT 48.5000 0.021143 0.014866
3 18542 19990107 CAT 48.9375 -0.000798 0.003560
4 18542 19990108 CAT 51.0000 0.004602 0.009410

[8]: PERMNO date TICKER PRC vwretd ewretd

[9]: PERMNO date TICKER PRC vwretd ewretd

5030 77702 19990104 SBUX 53.8750 -0.000822 0.011409
5031 77702 19990105 SBUX 52.0000 0.011879 0.009512
5032 77702 19990106 SBUX 51.5625 0.021143 0.014866
5033 77702 19990107 SBUX 51.7500 -0.000798 0.003560
5034 77702 19990108 SBUX 52.8750 0.004602 0.009410

[10]: PERMNO date TICKER PRC vwretd ewretd

7540 77702 20081224 SBUX 9.34 0.004514 0.005042
7541 77702 20081226 SBUX 9.35 0.007191 0.011107
7542 77702 20081229 SBUX 9.03 -0.004365 -0.015163
7543 77702 20081230 SBUX 9.36 0.024764 0.021418
7544 77702 20081231 SBUX 9.46 0.017404 0.034456

You can access the price time series as (for example for AXP):

[11]: 2515 101.5000
2516 99.5625
2517 103.6250
2518 104.8750
2519 108.0625
2520 106.2500
2521 102.3750
2522 98.6875
2523 96.0000
2524 104.3750
2525 100.5000
2526 102.0000
2527 102.5000
2528 98.5000
2529 101.5000
2530 101.7500
2531 99.4375
2532 100.4375
2533 102.8750
2534 100.7500
2535 99.6875
2536 100.5000
2537 100.2500
2538 98.1250
2539 97.0625
  • 9375
  • 7500
  • 0000
  • 9375
  • 1875
  • 3800
  • 7400
  • 2300
  • 6900
  • 1800
  • 3700
  • 3000
  • 3100
  • 6400
  • 7600
  • 8700
  • 8400
  • 7800
  • 4400
  • 2900
  • 5600
  • 1300
  • 3400
  • 3400
  • 0600
  • 8100
  • 9000
  • 4300
  • 4200
  • 9600
  • 9700
  • 9100
  • 7000
  • 0000
  • 5500

Name: PRC, Length: 2515, dtype: float64

[ ]:


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[Solved] FIN5330 Homework 1