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[SOLVED] EXMBM512-24C HAM Leadership and Change Management R


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EXMBM512-24C (HAM)

Leadership and Change Management

What this paper is about

Whāia te iti kahurangi ki te tūohu koe me he maunga teitei

Seek the treasure you value most dearly: if you bow your head, let it be to a lofty mountain

This whakatauki is about aiming high or for what is truly valuable, but its real message is to be persistent and to not let obstacles stop you from reaching your goal – My wish for you this trimester.

Tēnā koutou. I am delighted to be with you during this learning journey – and during these internationally complex and changing times. We are in unknown and uncharted territory. However, this is an unprecedented opportunity to watch leadership history in the making.


This course is intended to be experiential in nature. You will be invited to actively participate in or lead discussions of the various topics we will cover this trimester. Class activities will include collaborative reading and annotation of pertinent readings, in-class presentations by students as well as invited expert practitioners or scholars, and participating in class discussions.

This classroom will provide a safe environment for you to rehearse your leadership confidence and skills. Speaking up, confronting, challenging and motivating others are all key skills you will gain from treating the classroom as a leadership experience. Some will be based on gaining skills not easily able to be ‘taught’, such as dealing with challenges, feeding back to team members, and presenting a professional image.

How this paper will be taught

Delivery Mode

This paper will be offered in a FLEXI format where students can participate on-campus in Hamilton or online via Zoom synchronously. We expect students to participate in all sessions synchronously and some assessments may be scheduled at specific times. You are expected to participate fully in group work and assessments for you to be able to meet the requirements and expectations of this paper. All supportive online resources and class recordings will be available via Moodle.


This paper is designed to identify and develop participants’ leadership potential; to facilitate the process of ongoing personal and leadership development and to lead organisations effectively, particularly through change. It guides leaders and aspiring leaders through research and experiential practices on the role of leaders and their influence in today’s changing and complex environments.

Leadership is not a sole activity, so additionally we focus on the way leaders and followers interact, notions of team and shared leadership, and explore assumptions, beliefs, and values embedded and shaped in these practices.

The purpose of the paper is to:

Recognize and apply effective leadership strengths, attributes and skills, and develop a personalized leadership development plan.

Understand, apply and critique changes in organisations and the role of leadership.

Understand, apply and reflect on research and current perspectives aimed at enhancing leadership in organisations.

Analyse, critique and apply shared leadership concepts and constraints.

Experience virtual teams, virtual leadership, and change.

What you will study


Introduction to the course and “The six lenses of Leadership”. Lenses 1 & 2: Person and Position

Lenses 1 & 2 continued

Guest speaker Prof. Brad Jackson and Lens 3: Leadership through Process

5R Reflection (Individual assessment) 20% of overall grade

Lens 4: Leadership through Performance

Collaborative reading 1 (Individual assessment) 5% of overall grade

Lens 5 and 6: Leadership through Place and through Purpose

Collaborative reading 2 (Individual assessment) 5% of overall grade

Group presentations

Class presentations (Group assessment) 20% of overall grade

Immunity to change part 1

Collaborative reading 3 (Individual assessment) 5% of overall grade

Immunity to change part 2

Immunity to change part 3

Collaborative reading 4 (Individual assessment) 5% of overall grade Critique of change frameworks (In pairs) 20% of overall grade

Course wrap up

Immunity to Change Map (Individual assessment) 20% of overall grade

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[SOLVED] EXMBM512-24C HAM Leadership and Change Management R