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[SOLVED] ENGI 48515 Advanced Electonic Measurement 4 Advanced Electronic Measurements – Communication da


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ENGI 48515



Advanced Electonic Measurement 4: Advanced Electronic Measurements:

– Communication data analysis exercise (Ismail Ben-Mabrouk)

Time Required:

It is expected that you should spend approximately 50 hours on this

coursework assignment. This includes all learning related activities completed

during the year (for example, attending lectures/workshops, completing Problem Sheets, etc).

Deadline(s) for submission:

Thursday 16 January 2025 at 14:00hrs.

Date for feedback:

Monday 10 February 2025

Submission instructions:

Your submission must be uploaded to Learn Ultra/TURNITIN in advance of the deadline.

All submissions in the Department are electronic and no hard copy is required.

The maximum file size that can be accepted is 20 MB.

•    All submissions must be saved using the following naming convention: SURNAMEFirstname_ENGI48515_CDA.pdf

E.g. BLOGGSJoanne_ENGI48515_CDA.pdf


•     Reports should be submitted in PDF format

Code files / data files (.c, .m or .iges etc) should be submitted in a zip file

The report submitted must be no longer than 5 pages (including

diagrams and references). Appendices may be included but will not form part of the examined material nor count toward the page limit.

Coursework brief:


Thanks to the development of wearable sensor devices having wireless transmission capabilities, there is a demand to develop real time systems able to accurately analyse  ECG and detect cardiac  irregularities.  Recent technological advances in signal processing, power consumption management, sensors design, and miniaturisation can revolutionise the way how healthcare services are organized and regulated. While the importance of continuous monitoring of ECG signals to detect cardiac anomalies is generally accepted in preventative medicine, there remain numerous challenges to its widespread adoption [1]. In this coursework, the proposed healthcare approach is based on implanting sensors in the human body to collect real time ECG changes in order to monitor the patient’s health status no matter where they are.  The information is transmitted wirelessly to an external processing unit. The adopted WBAN architecture for ECG monitoring is shown in Figure 1. The used WBAN mechanism permits the transmission of all information in real time to the doctors throughout the world. If an emergency is detected, the physicians will directly inform. the patient through the computer system by sending appropriate messages or alarms. Although real-time patient monitoring field is not a new topic in wireless medical applications, researchers and industries are investing a lot of effort and research funds to it. In this coursework, experimental studies have been conducted using MIMO techniques in the industrial, scientific, and medical (ISM) band at 2.45 GHz where off- body channels will be investigated.

Figure 1: An illustrative top view identifying TX  and RX  positions


Measurement campaign are performed in the frequency domain using the frequency channel sounding technique based on measuring S21   parameter using a network analyzer (Agilent E8363B). In fact, the system measurement setup, as shown in Figure 2, consists of a Vector Network Analyser (VNA), 2X2 MIMO textile antenna set (Figure 3), two switches, one power amplifier for the transmitting signal and one low noise amplifier for the receiving signal. Both amplifiers have a gain of 30 dB.

Figure 2:  Measurement setup

Figure 3: Textile antenna array and its implementation scenarios

For all experiments, the receiver remained fixed, while the transmitter changed its position along the gallery, from 1 meter up to 25 meters far from the transmitter with intervals of 1 m. Therefore, the parameters of the channel sounding measurements should be carefully selected in order to assure adequate multipath resolution and at the same time reducing the total time required for the frequency sweep. The VNA sweeps the frequency range from 2 GHZ to 3 GHz for 6401 points and records the 6401 tones. The frequency step is 156.22 KHz which corresponds to time domain duration of 6401 ns. In other words, the measurement system is capable of catching multipath components that arrive with a delay up to 6401 ns. This duration of impulse response is found to be long enough for such indoor environment. The calibration is performed with the transmitting (Tx ) and receiving (Rx ) antenna apart 1m separation distance. This 1m T-R separation distance d0   is chosen to  be the reference distance for the large scale path loss model.  During the measurement,  the wireless  channel  is  assumed  to  be  static  with  no  significant  variations  and  the  height  of  the transmitting and receiving antennas are maintained at 2.5m and 1m respectively above the ground level. The transmit power is set to 10dBm. Two different experimental scenarios are measured: (1) The patient is lying in a sleeping position in bed, with a textile antenna attached to his chest as shown in Figure 1. (2) The patient is in an upright eating position. Experimental datasets (1) and (2) are provided.


Based on datasets (1) and (2), write a report addressing all 5 questions by order. Please submit your Matlab code used to solve each question (1-4).

1.   Calculate the Frequency Channel Response and the Power Delay Spread (PDP) for both scenarios at distances 3m, 10m and 20m.

2.   Calculate the Coherence Bandwidth (CB) and the RMS Delay Spread for both scenarios at each distance between the Tx and Rx.

3.   Calculate the channel Path Loss (PL) for both scenarios. Please select the proper radio propagation model (Indoor environment).

4.   Calculate the 2 X 2 MIMO channel capacity for both scenarios at a fixed SNR=30dB.

5.   Compare all your results with the recent existing literature. Only consider indoor environment at the same frequency band.


•     This is an individual assignment. You are required to complete it entirely on your own. This means you must not collaborate with or seek input from others, including friends, relatives, or any current or former students, whether from this or any other university.

•    When submitting your work, you are certifying that it is solely your own, and that you have not engaged with anyone else in the preparation of your answers.

•     Be sure to properly reference any external sources you use. Failure to do so will be regarded as plagiarism.

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[SOLVED] ENGI 48515 Advanced Electonic Measurement 4 Advanced Electronic Measurements – Communication da