[Solved] EECE 1080 Lab3- I Feel Loopy

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The objective of this assignment is to practice using loops. You will create several short programming assignments to get more familiar with C/C++ looping concepts.

Loop 1:

Write a for loop that displays the sum and floating point average of values from 2 up to and including 35 with loop interval (step count) of 3


SUM: 222


Loop 2:

Use filename: loopset2.cpp

Modify Loop 1 to take parameters for loop starting index, ending index, and loop interval (step count). Again output the average and sum.

Example 1:

For the following input values:

Starting index: 0

Ending Index 10

Step count: 5

SUM: 15


Example 2:

For the following input values:

Starting index: 3

Ending Index 10

Step count: 1

SUM: 52


Loop 3:

Use filename: loopset3.cpp

Write a for loop that goes from a provided starting point to 0 in loop steps of 0.5

Example Output 1:

Starting Point of 25

25,24.5,24,23.5,……,0 Note: No trailing comma in output

Part B: Loopset 2 practice

Use filename: dataentry.cpp

Write a Do While loop that allows the user to enter floating point numbers greater than 0 and sums these numbers and prints the sum after the loop. The loop should exit after a number less than or equal to 0 is entered.

Please do not add in values less than or equal to zero.

Sample Output #1:

Enter Positive Number to Add or Enter Zero or Negative Number to End: 99.0

Enter Positive Number to Add or Enter Zero or Negative Number to End: 67.5

Enter Positive Number to Add or Enter Zero or Negative Number to End: 0

Sum of Entered Numbers: 166.5

Sample Output #2:

Enter Positive Number to Add or Enter Zero or Negative Number to End: -1

Sum of Entered Numbers: 0

Part C: Picture making

  1. Create a loop to display a solidly filled rectangle of width, and height. Use an ‘*’ as a fill character

Use filename: solidrect.cpp

Sample 1: Even Height and Width















Sample 2: Odd Height and Width






  1. Create a loop to display a framed rectangle of width, and height. Use a fill character of ‘*’.

Use filename: framedrect.cpp

Sample 1:




* *

* *

* *


Sample 2:




* *

* *

* *

* *

* *

* *

* *

* *


Part D: Object height over time with a specific initial velocity.

Use filename: projectile.cpp

Write a program that creates a table that shows the height of a object launched straight up for each second from launch time (time zero) until the object reaches the ground (height less than or equal to zero). The height after t seconds is given by:

s = V0t – ½(g)(t2)


  • V0 is the initial velocity in m/s
  • g is the gravitational constant and has a value of 9.8 m/s2
  • t is the current time in seconds

The program should prompt the user for the launch velocity.

The program should generate a table that looks something like the following:

Enter Initial V0: 60

Initial Velocity of Object: 60-m/s

Time Height

0 0

1 55.1

2 100.4

3 135.9

4 161.6

5 177.5

6 183.6

7 179.9

8 166.4

9 143.1

10 110

11 67.1

12 14.4

13 0

Total Time: 13-seconds

Maximum Height: 183.6 @ 6-seconds

Part E: Metal Expansion Table

Use filename: metalexp.cpp

In this section, you will create a table of metal expansion versus temperature. You will determine if the metal expansion is within a certain tolerance.

The fact that most metals expand when heated and contract when cooled has implications when the laboratory equipment involved. The size for typical aluminum bar that is w cm wide at 70-degrees fahrenheit can found using the following:

x = w + (t – 70)(0.0001)

at the specified temperature of t. Write a program that prompts the user for the standard width of the bar and the tolerance (plus or minus the standard bar width). Display a table to the screen from a temperature of 60 to 85F in one-degree intervals marking with a star the temperatures which lay within the tolerance.

You will need to use the iomanip library to format the output of this code. Here is a short example:

#include <iomanip> // add to top

double x = 999.999;

cout << fixed << setw(11) << setprecision(7) << x << endl;

Will display 999.9990000

Sample Output:

Width: 10

Tolerance: .00050

Temperature Width Within Tolerance

60 9.9990000

61 9.9991000

62 9.9992000

63 9.9993000

64 9.9994000

65 9.9995000

66 9.9996000 *

67 9.9997000 *

68 9.9998000 *

69 9.9999000 *

70 10.0000000 *

71 10.0001000 *

72 10.0002000 *

73 10.0003000 *

74 10.0004000 *

75 10.0005000

76 10.0006000

77 10.0007000

78 10.0008000

79 10.0009000

80 10.0010000

81 10.0011000

82 10.0012000

83 10.0013000

84 10.0014000

85 10.0015000

Part F: Writing a loop to calculate a factorial

Use filename: factorial.cpp

No cin/cout statements should be added to the function.

In this part we introducing you to a function body for the first time. Just follow the comments in the provided template and should be good to go.

The factorial of a number is the result of multiplying a sequence of numbers (such as 4 x 3 x 2 x 1 is 4 factorial). A factorial of number is indicated using the exclamation point so for the example above the short hand would be 4!.

Note: the factorial of one and zero are both one.

We are going to create a loop inside a function called factorial(). Calculate the factorial using a for loop. Make sure your function works with the numbers for zero and one as well. Verify the test case output before submitting.

Part G: Create the solution to calculate ex

Use filename: exp.cpp

No cin/cout statements should be added to the function.

Note: The exp(5) is incorrectly stated as 120 in the test code for this lab. Please replace 120 with the correct value for testing.

The Natural Exponential Function “ex” can be found using the following mathematical expression.

ex = 1 + x1/1! + x2/2! + x3/3! + ……….

Your task is convert this expression into C++ code using your previously defined factorial function and a loop. You should calculate at least the first 15-20 terms of this expression. Just make sure that the solution has converged (ie. abs(previously_calculated_e – currently_calculated_e) < 0.0001).

You will embed the necessary loop and other logic in the provided template.


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[Solved] EECE 1080 Lab3- I Feel Loopy
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