In this project youll use your newly acquired C++ programming skills to create an improved version of the CRM project. This will involve writing two C++ classes: the Customer and the CustomerDB. We will also use a provided String class.
The project will involve essentially the same data structures and algorithms from before, but hopefully this time around youll discover that (a) the program isnt nearly as tedious (no more destroyString!) and (b) the code you produce is a whole lot shorter and easier on the eyes. Good luck!
Requirements: You will do the following for this project: edit CustomerDB.cpp to complete all member functions for the class, and edit Project7.cpp to implement processInventory, processPurchase, and processSummarize.
First, you should read the provided files. You will note that both files to be edited already have some code. While youre not explicitly required to use the provided code, your solution may be a good deal shorter, cleaner and simpler when using it.
For CustomerDB.cpp, you must write two functions. The first of these functions CustomerDB::isMember searches through the current set of Customers and returns true if it finds a Customer with the matching name, and returns false otherwise. The second function, CustomerDB::operator[](String) must do the following:
- If a Customer in the CustomerDB has a name that matches the argument to operator[], then your function must return that Customer (returning by reference).
- If there is no Customer in the CustomerDB with that name, then your function must ADD a new Customer to the database and then return a reference to that newly added Customer.
- If you add a new Customer to the database, you must ensure that there is capacity for the customer in the array, and you must use amortized doubling to resize the array if there is insufficient capacity.
This is separate from the operator[] which takes an int, which simply returns the customer at a given position in the array. This adds a new method of accessing the CustomerDB, like: database[Phil].bottles += 5;.
For Project7.cpp, you must write an implementation for processPurchase, processSummarize, and processInventory. Part of your grade will be determined by how well these functions utilize the CustomerDB. As a general hint, if you can make those functions shorter, youre (probably) making them better.
11/2/19 11:28 AM 1
You MUST NOT change CustomerDB.h, UTString.h or Customer.h! If you do, your submission will likely fail.
You MUST submit both CustomerDB.cpp and Project7.cp. Zip up the files, and rename the zip file Project7_<eid>.zip, where <eid> is replaced with your own UT EID. Capitalization here doesnt matter.
Testing: The same three test files from last time are provided. You might want to add some additional tests of your own. You are, of course, responsible for ensuring that your program is correct (i.e., not just able to execute the three test inputs and produce the correct output through some coincidence).
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