Experiment 3: Assembly Language Programming Techniques Part 2Instructional Objectives: To learn to write more complex assembly language programs which include various subroutine parameter passing techniques. To learn about macros and their appropriate use in assembly language programs.Reference: S12CPUV2 Reference Manual, Sections 2, 3, 5, and Appendix A (on CD included with kit) CPU12 Reference Guide (on course web site)Prelab Preparation:Read this document and write the code for all steps prior to coming to lab Parameter Passing TechniquesWriting modular code will be heavily emphasized in this course. Requisite to creation of modular code is a thorough understanding of how parameters may be passed from one procedure to another. You were introduced to this concept in Part 1, and will further explore it in Part 2.There are four basic ways parameters may be passed: (a) via registers (call by value), (b) via pointers (call by address) to a global parameter area, (c) via a private parameter area (here, following the call instruction), and (d) via the stack.(a) Via RegistersAny time a small number of parameters is involved, passing them via the CPUs registers represents the most effective technique. Conversion routines and so-called I/O device driver routines are good examples of applications where passing parameters via registers is highly desirable. There are two character I/O routines that utilize this technique which we will use considerably in the remaining of the course: inchar and outchar. The subroutine outchartransmits the ASCII character passed to it in the A register to the terminal screen using the onchip HCS12 Serial Communications Interface (SCI). The subroutine inchar waits to receive a character from the keyboard (also using the SCI), and when it does, returns its ASCII value in the A register.(b) Via PointersOften times a structure must be passed to a subroutine. Because structures (e.g., arrays or linked lists) are often large and of variable size, it is not feasible to pass them via registers. Therefore, a pointer to the starting address is often passed to the subroutine typically, via an index register.Since the actual values are not passed (rather, they reside in globally accessible locations in memory), we refer to this technique as call by address or call by name.(c) Via Private Parameter AreaIn some instances it is appropriate to associate a private parameter area with each call to a given subroutine. A good example is a message printing routine, where a different string is to be printed each time the routine is called. One way this can be accomplished in assembly language programming is to place the parameters following the call (i.e., jsr or bsr instruction).ECE 362 Experiment 3 Rev 8/12Bigger Bytes Lab Manual -2- 2012 by D. G. MeyerUse of a private parameter area is illustrated in the following example:jsr pmsgfcb Print this stringfcb NULL ; ASCII null (string termination character){next instruction}Note the data (here, an ASCII string of characters) is sandwiched between the JSR instruction and the instruction that immediately follows. As indicated in the listing of pmsg, below, two things must be accomplished: (1) a pointer to the start of the string must be determined, and (2) the return address (on top of the stack) must be corrected so it points to the next instruction. Also note the pmsg subroutine continues to output characters until it reaches the NULL character. It is therefore important to remember to terminate your string with the NULL character or you might be printing some interesting and unwanted characters.NULL equ 0 ; ASCII null (string termination character)pmsg pulx ; return address (top stack item); points to start of stringploop ldaa 1,x+ ; access next character of stringcmpa #NULL ; test for ASCII null (termination)beq pexit ; exit if encounter ASCII nulljsr outchar ; print character on terminal using; outchar routinebra plooppexit pshx ; place corrected return address backrts ; on top of stack and return(d) Via the StackThe most generic way to pass parameters is via the stack. Most modern high-level language compilers (e.g., C) utilize this technique every time a procedure call is generated use of the stack to pass parameters facilitates recursion as well as arbitrary nesting of subroutine calls.ECE 362 Experiment 3 Rev 8/12Bigger Bytes Lab Manual -3- 2012 by D. G. MeyerWriting More Complex Assembly Language ProgramsIn the following exercises, you will have the opportunity to utilize the various parameter-passingtechniques while learning to write more complex programs. They will also introduce you to thecharacter I/O routines that we will be using the rest of the semester (and eventually writingourselves!) as well as the use of macros.Step 1:Write a subroutine nchars that will print N consecutive ASCII characters, beginning with thespecified character. The A register will contain the ASCII value of first character to be printed,and the B register will contain the number of consecutive characters to be printed. For instance,if (A) = $41 (ASCII code of A) and (B) = $09, a string of nine consecutive letters will beprinted, producing the following output:ABCDEFGHIYou should write your code in the Lab 3 skeleton file (available from the course website). Thecharacter I/O routines inchar and as well as have already been written and are included in thefile, along with a main program to test the nchars subroutine. A routine to initialize theHC12s serial interface (sinit) is also provided. Use Tera Term on the PC to communicatewith the target systems serial port.Step 2:Write a program main that will prompt for a character, store it in the A register, prompt for anumber, store it in the B register, then call the subroutine nchars (written for Step 1) to print Nconsecutive ASCII characters, beginning with the specified character. It should keep repeatingthese steps until the character q is entered. You should use the macro print to format theprompt strings for the code.An example session is as follows:Enter character: NEnter number: 8NOPQRSTUEnter character: NEnter number: 0Enter character: ;Enter number: 7;<=>[email protected]Add your code for Step 2 to the Lab 3 skeleton file. Note that the pmsg subroutine (used in themacro print) is also provided in this file.An ASCII table can be found on page 30 of the CPU12 Reference GuideECE 362 Experiment 3 Rev 8/12Bigger Bytes Lab Manual -4- 2012 by D. G. MeyerStep 3:Write a program that reads up to 30 characters from the keyboard and stores them in a globallydefined array, marray. When the user enters either 30 characters or a carriage return, printback the character string in reverse order.An example session:Hello, how are you?<CR>?uoy era woh ,olleHYou should add your code to the Lab 3 skeleton file from the previous steps.Step 4:Write a subroutine pmsgx that prints a NULL-terminated ASCII string whose address is passedto it in the X register. You should write your code in the Lab 3 skeleton file from the previoussteps. The character I/O routines inchar and outchar have already been written and areincluded in the file.Step 5:Using the subroutine psmgx, write a program message that prompts the user for a number in therange 0 to N. Note that the number N is predetermined, but can be changed. If a number in therange of 1 to N is entered, it should print the corresponding message then repeat the prompt. Ifthe number 0 is entered, the program should print the exit message and then stop. If a numberoutside of the range is entered, it should print an error message and re-prompt. You should addyour code to the Lab 3 skeleton file from the previous steps. Note that the value of N and themessages have been defined, but you may modify them if you wish. An example session is asfollows (assume N = 4):Enter number: 1Message 1.Enter number: 3Message 3.Enter number: 5Invalid message number. Try again!Enter number: 0Good-bye!Step 6:Write a program eval that evaluates the expression that is contained on the stack, and places theresult back on the stack. Then write a main program that prompts the user for the two singledigitoperands and the function code, then calls eval to print a message of your choice.ECE 362 Experiment 3 Rev 8/12Bigger Bytes Lab Manual -5- 2012 by D. G. MeyerThe program should be capable of implementing add, subtract, multiply and XOR operations,specified by the following function codes:Add: ASCII code for ASubtract: ASCII code for SMultiply: ASCII code for MXOR: ASCII code for XThe operation implemented should be Op1 Function Op2. To simplify the program, assume thatthe operands and results are single-digit values (the result of the multiply can be truncated to thelower byte). You do not need to implement any error checking.An example session would be as follows:Op 1: 3Op 2: 4Function: AResult: 7Note that when you enter the subroutine eval, the stack will look like the following for thatexample (assuming an initial value of SP = $1000):0FFA0FFB Return Addr: High Byte0FFC Return Addr: Low Byte0FFD 410FFE 040FFF 03The stack will look like the following at end of eval (before the return):0FFA0FFB Return Addr: High Byte0FFC Return Addr: Low Byte0FFD Return Addr: High Byte0FFE Return Addr: Low Byte0FFF 07You should add your code to the Lab 3 skeleton file. The subroutine eval must only modifythe CCR (correctly for specified function) and no other register! The character I/O routinesinchar, outchar, and psmg have already been written and are included in the file. Inaddition, you have been provided a function htoa which will convert a single digit hexadecimalnumber to its ASCII character (useful for printing out the result!)SP = 0FFBSP = 0FFD
[Solved] ECE 362 Lab Verification / Evaluation Form Experiment 3
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