[SOLVED] EBU5405: 3D Graphics Programming Tools Coursework 2017

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1. Aim
EBU5405: 3D Graphics Programming Tools Coursework 2017
In this coursework you will develop an articulated and interactive object in the shape of a flying animal using C and OpenGL. The main objectives of this project are to practice and demonstrate: hierarchical modelling, model rendering, viewing transformations, lighting, interactivity and animation using OpenGL and the GLUT.
Practical details
– Individual coursework: your animated articulated object must be unique!
– Supported by lab sessions and TAs
– Two parts but one submission only at the end of Lab 8 (see details of the submission
and cut-off dates on QMplus).
– The coursework is worth 25% of the final mark and will be marked out of 100.
– Late submission penalties: -1 mark per day late, up to -10 marks (10 days).
– After the cut-off date, any submission will be caped to 50.
– No extension will be granted unless valid extenuating circumstances (ECs) have been
submitted and accepted following the usual EC submission process.
Marking criteria (see lab sheets for details)
Total mark calculated out of 100
Labs 4 & 5 (Part 1):
– The object is made of at least 8 articulated parts
– The object evokes the shape of a flying animal
– Isometric view created with a call to the gluLookAt function – Reshape callback which calls the glOrtho function
– Jumping
– Flying
– Rotating
up to 10 marks up to 10 marks up to 2 marks up to 3 marks up to 5 marks up to 5 marks up to 5 marks
Labs 6, 7 & 8 (Part 2):
– Animation of the object according to the Lab6 requirements (flying) up to 15 marks – The three material sets (including names chosen to represent the materials) up to 15 marks
– Light effects and interaction (three different times of the day)
– Global appreciation:
– originality of the design (ideas)
– realism of the appearance (through the use of materials) – realism of the articulated movements
up to 15 marks
up to 5 marks up to 5 marks up to 5 marks


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[SOLVED] EBU5405: 3D Graphics Programming Tools Coursework 2017
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