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[SOLVED] EARTHSS 17 Catastrophes Discussion 2 Tectonic Maps and Drawing Cross-Sections Matlab


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EARTHSS 17: Catastrophes

Discussion 2: Tectonic Maps and Drawing Cross-Sections

Part I: Tectonic Maps 

At right is a tectonic map of New Zealand, which is situated on several different boundaries. Use the image to answer the questions that follow.

On the map:

1. Place a triangle in all locations where you would expect to find volcanoes

2. Star all of the locations where you would find shallow earthquakes

3. Put an “x” at a location where you would expect deep earthquakes

4. Lable a convergent, divergent, and transform. boundary.

5. Which plate is more dense? The Australian Plate or the Pacific Plate? Defend your answer.

6. Which population (City A or City B) would be most prone to a catastrophe? Use the chart below to inform. your decision and to defend your answer.



Mean Building Age

Mean Income/Household



60 years




40 years

$161, 886

Part II: Sea Floor Spreading

1. An ocean now exists between two Continents (A and B). Using the magnetic reversals, determine approximately when the supercontinent first broke apart.

Part III: Drawing Cross-Sections

1. Your TA will provide you with a birds-eye view of South America (i.e. a satellite view). Study the image and discuss with your group where there appears to be oceanic crust, continental crust, mountains, and trenches. Sketch a cross section (side-on view) in the box below, showing what you would expect the lithosphere and asthenosphere to look like in an east-west cross-section across South America, from point X to point Y. Include approximate crustal thicknesses; try to draw it to scale. On your drawing, label (A) a trench, (B) a volcanic mountain chain, (C) the oceanic plate and (D) the continental plate. Include the lithosphere and asthenosphere in your drawing.


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[SOLVED] EARTHSS 17 Catastrophes Discussion 2 Tectonic Maps and Drawing Cross-Sections Matlab