[SOLVED] drracket代写:CSC104 2017 Winter, Project I.

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;; The first three lines of this file were inserted by DrRacket. They record metadata
;; about the language level of this file in a form that our tools can easily process.
#reader(lib “htdp-intermediate-reader.ss” “lang”)((modname CSC104.2017W.Project.I) (read-case-sensitive #t) (teachpacks ()) (htdp-settings #(#t constructor repeating-decimal #f #t none #f () #f)))
; CSC104 2017 Winter, Project I.
; A Program to Model and Visualize the Spread of an Infection.

; Do all the tasks below marked by a “★”.

(require picturing-programs)

; These are some values that affect how the disease spread.
; Experiment with them once you have the program working, by changing one or more of the
; numbers and running the program again.
; VIRULENCE: a positive number for how likely disease spreads from person to person.
; DURATION : a non-negative number for how many days an infection lasts.
; IMMUNITY : a non-negative number for how many days immunity lasts after infection ends.

(define VIRULENCE 20)
(define DURATION 10)
(define IMMUNITY 10)

; Try to find values of those parameters that produce a delicate balance of the spread:
; values where running it a few times leads to to visibly different end results due
; to the randomness.
; Also try large and small values and view the results.
; Write a couple of paragraphs here summarizing your findings:
; When DURATION is very large, in the end, all points tend to be red. Because when DURATION is large
; infection lasts longer and more likely to infect others.
; When DURATION is very small, in the end, all points tend to be blue. Because when DURATION is small
; infection lasts shorter and less likely to infect others.
; When IMMUNITY is very large, in the end, all points tend to be blue. Because when IMMUNITY is large
; immunity lasts longer.
; When IMMUNITY is very small, in the end, all points tend to be red. Because when IMMUNITY is small
; immunity lasts shorter.

; WIDTH : number of dots wide the simulation image is.
; HEIGHT: number of dots high the simulation image is.
(define WIDTH 100)
(define HEIGHT 100)

; take : list number → list
(check-expect (take (list 1 2 3 4 5) 3) (list 1 2 3))
; Produce prefix of length n of L.
(define (take L n)
(cond [(zero? n) (list)]
[else (list* (first L) (take (rest L) (- n 1)))]))

; drop : list number → list
(check-expect (drop (list 1 2 3 4 5) 3) (list 4 5))
(check-expect (drop (list 1 2 3) 3) (list))
; Produce suffix of L after removing n elements.
(define (drop L n)
(cond [(<= (length L) n) (list)]
[(zero? n) L]
[else (drop (rest L) (- n 1))]))

; left-cycle : list number → list
(check-expect (left-cycle (list 1 2 3 4) 1) (list 2 3 4 1))
(check-expect (left-cycle (list 1 2 3 4) 2) (list 3 4 1 2))
; ★ Write a full design check-expect for left-cycle:
(check-expect (left-cycle (list 1 2 3 4) 3)
(append (drop (list 1 2 3 4) 3)
(take (list 1 2 3 4) 3)))

; ★ Fix the body of left-cycle based on your full design check-expect.
; HINT: use take and drop.
; Produce a list with the first n elements of L after the others.
(define (left-cycle L n) (append (drop L n) (take L n)))

; right-cycle : list number → list
(check-expect (right-cycle (list 1 2 3 4) 1) (list 4 1 2 3))
(check-expect (right-cycle (list 1 2 3 4) 2) (list 3 4 1 2))
; Produce a list with the last n elements of L before the others.
(define (right-cycle L n)
(reverse (left-cycle (reverse L) n)))

; Infection Status.
; A person is either:
; Infected, with a certain number of days of infection left.
; This is represented by a number which is the *negative* of the number
; of days of infection left, and shown as a red dot.
; Immune, with a certain number of days of immunity left.
; This is represented by a *positive* number which is the number of days
; of immunity left, and shown as a green dot.
; Infectable.
; This is represented by zero, and shown as a blue dot.

; INITIAL-STATUSES is the list of initial infection statuses of everyone.
(local [(define DOTS (* WIDTH HEIGHT))
(define DOTS/2 (quotient DOTS 2))]
(append (make-list DOTS/2 0)
(list (- DURATION)) ; One infected person.
(make-list (- DOTS (+ 1 DOTS/2)) 0))))

; infect : integer integer integer integer integer → integer
(check-expect (<= (infect 0 -1 2 -3 4) 0) #true)
(check-expect (infect -1 0 -2 3 -4) -1)
(check-expect (infect 2 0 3 -4 5) 2)
(check-expect (infect 2 0 3 -4 5) 2)
(check-expect (infect 0 1 0 2 0) 0)
; Due to the randomness, a check-expect that tests that an infectable subject can be
; infected is a bit tricky to do properly. Here is an approach that should work
; with high probability.
(define (try-to-infect unused-parameter)
(infect 0 1 0 -1 -2))
(check-expect (apply min (map try-to-infect (range 0 10000 1)))

; ★ Fix the body of infect.
; Produce the number representing an infection of DURATION days if:
; the subject number represents infectable, and
; neighbour-0 or neighbour-1 or neighbour-2 or neighbour-3 represents infected, and
; VIRULENCE is more than this randomly chosen number: (random 100).
; Otherwise: produce the number representing the subject’s current status.
(define (infect subject neighbour-0 neighbour-1 neighbour-2 neighbour-3)
(cond [(and (= subject 0) (or (< neighbour-0 0) (< neighbour-1 0) (< neighbour-2 0) (< neighbour-3 0))
(> VIRULENCE (random 100))) (- DURATION)] ; Change this clause’s condition and result.
[else subject]))

; update-status : integer → integer
(check-expect (update-status 15) 14)
(check-expect (update-status -1) IMMUNITY)
(check-expect (update-status 0) 0)
(check-expect (update-status -4) -3)

; ★ Fix the body of update-status.
; Produce updated duration status of infection and immunity from current infection status.
; The status remains infectable if it is infectable.
; If the status represents one day of infection, the result is IMMUNITY days of immunity
; Otherwise the result represents one less day of infection or immunity.
(define (update-status status)
(cond [(= status -1) IMMUNITY]
[(> status 0) (- status 1)]
[(< status -1) (+ status 1)]
[else 0]))

; update-statuses : list-of-numbers → list-of-numbers
(check-expect (update-statuses (list 5 0 -7 0 4 0)) (list 4 0 -6 0 3 0))
; ★ Write a full design check-expect for update-statuses.

; base case
(check-expect (update-statuses ‘()) ‘())

; normal case, recursively
(check-expect (update-statuses (list -3 -1 0 2))
(if (empty? (list -3 -1 0 2)) ‘()
(cons (update-status (first (list -3 -1 0 2))) (update-statuses (rest (list -3 -1 0 2))))))

; ★ Fix the body of update-statuses.
; Produce the list of updated duration of infection and immunity form a list of statuses.
(define (update-statuses statuses)
(if (empty? statuses) ‘() (cons (update-status (first statuses)) (update-statuses (rest statuses)))))

; day-tick : list-of-numbers → list-of-numbers
; Produce the next day’s infection status for each subject from their neighbours.
(define (day-tick statuses)
(update-statuses (map infect
(left-cycle statuses 1)
(right-cycle statuses 1)
(left-cycle statuses WIDTH)
(right-cycle statuses WIDTH))))

; status-color : integer → color
(check-expect (status-color 0) (make-color 0 0 255))
(check-expect (status-color 5) (make-color 0 255 0))
(check-expect (status-color -7) (make-color 255 0 0))

; ★ Fix the body of status-color according to the check-expects.
; Produce a colour corresponding to numerical infection status.
(define (status-color status)
(cond [(> status 0) (make-color 0 255 0)]
[(= status 0) (make-color 0 0 255)]
[else (make-color 255 0 0)]))

; draw-statuses : list-of-numbers → image
; Produce rectangular image depicting statuses.
(define (draw-statuses statuses)
(color-list->bitmap (map status-color statuses) WIDTH HEIGHT))

; Start the universe!
; This will produce a blue background, representing a population of infectable subjects,
; with a red dot at the edge representing an infected person. That infection will likely
; spread, turning some subjects red, then green as they recover and become immune for a while,
; then back to blue.
; ★ Uncomment this:
(on-tick day-tick)
(on-draw draw-statuses))


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[SOLVED] drracket代写:CSC104 2017 Winter, Project I.
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